Ladies, I Am On Your Team

Ladies, I Am On Your Team

Yesterday, I opened up the floor on my Instagram for people to send me suggestions as to content they would like to read more of.

I had some good suggestions that I will be writing about on later days to come, but the point of this post is to bring light to something that has been brought to my attention.

There were a couple of women that have been reading my blogs as of late and felt attacked. Whether they took it personally or not, I do not know, but there were a couple of women in my suggestions box that pointed out that it seemed as if I was targeting women.

I made a public announcement that if anyone that has read my content, especially if you have been reading it from the beginning (I know not everyone still reads), knows that I do not target women.

Yes, I do shed light on uncomfortable and controversial topics.

Yes, I am aware that while some of the things I say might sound "offensive", they are not intended to be offensive.

I am not sitting here, belittling women, and calling them names.

I am bringing light to topics that do make people uncomfortable to give the reader a chance to think about things from another perspective.

I am not the kind of man that is going to tell you everything that you want to hear. I speak my truth because my truth is all I have to offer - think of it as tough love from a big brother.

What people fail to realize is that I am simply sharing my experiences, things that I have seen first-hand, and how I have come to rationalize them.

I have spent enough time alone in my life studying and thinking so that I do not continue to make the same mistakes in my life.

Unlike most people, I stay secluded from the outside noise because I need my time alone to study and think.

This platform was designed to allow people to consume content that isn't toxic, but logical.

It is designed to make the reader think.

If you read something that I wrote, you don't know me personally, and it made you feel some type of way, it is an emotional response to something that lacks understanding.

The point is, separating logic from emotion is what allows humans to think and I have written before about the difference between thinking about something logically, and reacting to something emotionally.

Most people react to things they consume and to no fault of their own, it is literally how the world is designed - especially with social media and technology.

When you sit down alone and just think, you will notice a shift in your thinking patterns.

If you read something I wrote and just sit alone for one hour and think, I guarantee you will gain a new perspective, even if it isn't in-line with mine, which is okay because that is the whole point!

This does not go without mentioning that I am no Marcus Aurelius - there are tons of holes and gaps in my thinking and I work everyday at filling them in to give myself a better understanding of how the world and the people in it actually work.

What I want to make clear to women that read my content is that I am on your team!

If you have read any of my previous content, you would know that I mostly blame men for the problems that we deal with today.

I mostly blame men for the problems that women deal with today because men have all of the control in the world and we fail to live up to our duties as men.

I believe a man needs to be capable of being a protector and provider for his wife and family.

I also believe that a man needs to be confident and willing to go through pain and sacrifice for the well-being of those that he loves and cares for.

Are the majority of men today doing these things? The answer is quite simply, no.

A young lady pointed out my takes on promiscuous women when I myself, have been promiscuous in my past. While you can read about my takes on male and female promiscuity and MY experiences on both sides in earlier blogs, I think it is important that I make something clear...

If a woman chooses to be promiscuous, that is her decision, not anybody else's.

If that is the life that she chooses, that is the life she chooses, and the same exact rule applies for men.

I have explained before the differences between male and female promiscuity and I do not think I need to re-explain myself when all of this can be found in earlier posts of mine.

The thing is, men and women are different in almost every way.

We operate differently, we think differently, we are good at different things and yet when a man and a woman come together and share their strengths with one another, it has the potential to become an unstoppable force and I think that is a beautiful thing that every man and woman truly aspires to have.

I also want to bring light to the fact that modern day culture has skewed people's thinking drastically, especially in the Western world.

I think what people need to understand is that the problems we face here, are not the same in other parts of the world because their people think and operate differently within the world they live in.

The point being, the Western world has glorified degeneracy in modern culture for both men and women and people are suffering as a result.

A genuine question for men - how can we expect women to be good women if we can't act like men?

To me, thinking about this question and the possibilities to solve the problem is a step in the right direction because that is what men are designed to do - solve problems.

I think about how we can solve this problem every single day hence why I write blog posts about the things I see, have seen and experienced, and how I make sense of it all.

Do you really think I want to see women unhappy and single in their later years in life? Absolutely not!

As a man, it is sad to see a woman single and feeling like she has to do everything on her own - it feels like failure as a whole.

Women are the best thing about life as a man and I believe every woman deserves a chance at being happy.

With that being said, I do think there are things that women need to be aware of and act on so that they can be accepting of something genuine.

Ladies, I cannot help if men have failed you in your past - it is sad that a woman would even have to experience emotional trauma caused by a man.

But what I can do is provide you with tools with how to navigate it in the future if you are open.

While some of the things I say or write about may be harsh, I can assure you that nothing will be more beneficial than having the harsh conversations with yourself.

I want men to be strong and I want women to feel confident and have respect for themselves.

I want men to be capable of actually taking care of a woman, being a gentleman, and treating her like a lady.

What I don't want is for men to continue to be weak and women continue down a path that doesn't suit their spirits.

The choices that we make in our lives are on us.

If we want something to change, then it starts with our behavior and making a conscious effort in changing our behavior so that we open our capacity to learn.

An excerpt from one of my mentors, Alex Hormozi:

If we constantly find ourselves unhappy with our current situation and do nothing to change our behavior, then we lack the capacity to learn.

If we put ourselves in the same situation and change our behavior, we get different results and this opens our capacity to learn.

The speed at which we are able to apply new behaviors to learn more things, defines intelligence.

-End excerpt

The point is, we have the ability to make the changes that we need to find peace and live a more fulfilling life.

It starts with men leading and acting like men.

If men act like men, then good women will follow because all women need good leaders.

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