Is Patriarchy Good Or Bad?

Is Patriarchy Good Or Bad?

One particular topic we hear a lot of buzz going around today is talk of the patriarchy and return of the patriarchy.

For those who don't know, a patriarchy is a government or society that is ruled by men who have the ability to use their power to their advantage.

Definitionally speaking, a patriarchy could be seen as troublesome to some, and beneficial to others.

For instance, a woman would probably read the definition of the patriarchy and be repulsed by the idea of the world being run by men who just use their power for their own benefit, even though that is exactly how the world is run and has always been run.

Most major world powers are all run by men and always have been.

Every kingdom, every dynasty, every major world power that has ever existed in any period of human history was run by men.

Given that men are conquerors by nature, it is no surprise that this is typically how the world has always worked.

Every king, and every powerful ruler that has ever existed has set out to conquer other parts of the world.

This is also why men go to war - to conquer what other powers have, to see who is the greater power.

The reason why men have always been the one's to fight in war (aside from our fight for survival for tens of thousands of years of evolution) is because men are disposable.

A good example that I heard recently said about this topic is let's say that you have a tribe of 10 men, and a tribe of 10 women - if the tribe of 10 women go to war and none of them come back, there is absolutely zero chance of human procreation.

Whereas, if you send the tribe of 10 men out to war and only one of them comes back, there is still the option of replenishing the human population.

It is interesting when you look at it in this light because this is truly what makes men great leaders - the ability to conquer, but also humble enough to know that we are disposable.

Men think in terms of their lineage and what they are able to pass down to their future generations.

So the question then becomes, is patriarchy good or bad?

In my opinion, it depends how you look at it, but collectively good in most respects.

There is no doubt about it that there are men that build themselves to become great leaders, and are capable of changing the world.

I also believe that the oldest man being the head of the house provides benefits in terms of family structure.

What it really boils down to is how men choose to use their power - are they choosing to use their power for the benefit of themselves, or for the benefit of others?

From a Biblical perspective, all men are to sacrifice themselves over to God and by doing so, they are serving God by helping others.

From an egotistical perspective, men will do some stupid shit just to give their name meaning.

It is a matter of how a man is able to balance his power and use it for the good of mankind.

Because, we all know how the saying goes: with great power, comes great responsibility.

When the man is the leader of the house, that means the livelihood of his family and those that rely on him are all his responsibility.

Men that are good leaders live by principle, meaning they are disciplined individuals that live by their own words.

As any innocent person out there, wouldn't you want the person you looked up to be disciplined, committed, and have high moral standards?

When people are allowed to say whatever they want, purport whatever beliefs they want, or do whatever they want, you get chaos and mayhem.

It is safe to say that the period of time in which we are currently living in is much more chaotic, and a lot less disciplined.

When we are on the brink of war, who are they going to call to come fight?

The men.

When shit hits the fan, who are the first one's to deal with it?

The men.

The point is, there is nothing wrong with having men run the world because it is what we are biologically programmed to do - protect and conquer.

While modern day ideologies like feminism would surely argue against it, there is no arguing when war starts and men are the first one's putting their lives on the line.

In times like these where everything around us is chaos, great leaders are being born in the shadows, waiting for their chance to rise and make an impact.

Men will be strong again, it will just take time and more hard times before they wake up and realize it's time to do something about it.

The future is bright and I have the utmost confidence in generations to come.

It starts now - banning together to create an unstoppable force of men that are willing to fight to make a difference in the world for the benefit of mankind.

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