Independent Women

Independent Women

Being as that I was raised by a single mother who has done very well for herself in her career, I have a profound respect for independent women and women who strive for excellence.

I admire anyone that truly strives to make something out of themselves.

As a woman, it is especially hard to be career driven in a predominately male environment. It is safe to say that men make up a majority of the workforce, so a woman in the career field is at a significant disadvantage.

While men and women are not the same, both are good at different things.

Some women have the ability to get things done better than men in some cases when it comes to work.

I just want to make it clear that I am not saying women are not capable of doing the things that men do, but what I am saying is that men have been the backbone of the workforce since the beginning of time and that is never going to change.

Men are always going to build roads, fight fires, fight wars, own big corporations etc. Women are capable of doing all of these things but lets be honest, not many women are signing up to work under a bridge or go stand on the front line somewhere.

So the real question is, why do women in today's day-in-age feel the need to be independent from men?

I have thought about this a lot and I think the answer is relatively simple: if enough women have been let down by enough men, they all strive for their independence.

There are things that took place in the generations before us that we will never truly understand.

If a man was a piece of shit as a husband and a father, I could imagine the daughter not wanting to deal with very many men as an adult.

On the flip side, if a father is never present at all, many of these types of women end up taking the path of promiscuity and trying to seek out as much validation from men as humanly possible.

It is a very interesting topic of conversation and I think it is worth the conversation.

I know women that claim to be independent but deep down inside want a real man to protect them and provide for them - this is inherent in their DNA as it is in all women.

I think what it ultimately boils down to is a woman not having good enough men in her life to make her feel like a woman and that would make her want to be independent from men.

A lot of times when a woman has never truly known what it's like to be treated like a woman, she has no idea what to do when a real man comes along and treats her with respect.

I have found this to go a couple of different ways in my life experience.

Many times when a woman has done nothing but get treated like shit by men and a decent man finally comes along, she gets bored with him. Why? Because when people get used to the toxic lifestyle, they begin to crave it when they don't have it anymore.

On the flip side, there are women that have never been treated with respect from a man and when they do finally find a decent man, they are ready to fully submit to him and allow him to lead.

The problem that I think women have is this idea of submission.

When people hear of the word submission, they immediately associate it with control or to be under someone else when that is not truly what submission is in a relationship.

A woman submitting to a man is a woman that is supporting her man because he is doing what he has to do to protect and provide for her.

When a man is truly committed to a woman, he is ready to give his life for her because that is his duty as a man. This does not go without saying that if a man is willing to give his life for his woman, then his woman should be his ultimate source of support and respect him and his wishes.

This is what it means to submit to a man - allow him to lead because he is the protector and the provider and because her life is his responsibility.

I am very aware there are less men out there that are actually capable of being true protectors for their wives and families.

There are a lot of men on the internet today that will preach the same message, but also preach as if men have some form of hierarchical status over women when that simply isn't the truth.

Man and woman were designed to work together.

If all a man does is pay for her bills but does nothing to actually support his woman, then he is no real man.

This idea of a woman just "being on board" or "only speak when spoken to" is hierarchical bullshit - these are not real men.

A woman should be respected and genuinely cared for by her man, not just be along for the free ride.

I think the focus here is simple, there is nothing wrong with a woman wanting to be career driven but what she must understand is that finding a true protector and provider may present a bit of a challenge.

Typically, the more independent a woman becomes, the more defensive she becomes and that is a masculine trait. A lot of times when you have an independent woman and a masculine man, it is a lot of headstrong energy between two people.

I had a conversation once with a woman that was highly successful in real estate investing and she told me that she struggles to find good men.

I told her that finding real men is harder when she is focused on things that go against her biology and that independent women are more suited for passive types of men. Well, as soon as I said "passive men" she practically cut me off and said "oh my God, that is all I attract and they are so gross!"

The truth is, women inherently are not attracted to passive men. They love the idea of a man being obsessed with them but at the end of the day, deep down she knows that a simp cannot truly protect her the way a real man would and eventually will be turned off to the passive man.

Women want the masculine man because it is in their biology to want to feel protected by a strong man - even if she is the independent female.

This is why focus is so important both as men and as women because where focus goes, energy flows.

If all a woman is focused on is being independent and career driven, I completely 100% respect your decision, but you also have to understand that when it comes to attracting the man for you, you must be aware of the energy you are projecting out into the universe.

The same goes for women that are promiscuous - the more you focus on being independent and focus on things that do nothing but bring you attention from men, the more you drive away your chances of finding a real man. You must be able to accept that a passive man will be more of a fit for you.

A woman must be able to focus on being her true feminine self if she ever wishes to attract a truly masculine man - this same principle applies for men to focus on being in their true masculine if they wish to attract a feminine woman.

I don't believe there is anything wrong with a woman submitting to a man that is worthy of it. If he is a man of commitment in everything that he does, then a woman will know that her life is in good hands.

But first, it all starts with men being able to rise up and start acting like men if we are ever going to expect women to act like women.

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