In The Beginning...

In The Beginning...

In the beginning of our lives, we are presented with a whole new world of possibilities.

We are all born into this world as a highly malleable species, effected by everything going on around us all of the time.

From the moment we breathe our first breath, we are taking in everything as it comes.

Our senses are highly attuned in our first years of life, and everything that we experience becomes impressionable moments of our premature minds.

When we are children, we are free spirited beings with imaginations larger than what we can even perceive as being reality.

As we grow older and begin to discover what we refer to as our identity, our minds begin to harden into the preconceived notions of what we see as being real.

We become caught up in trying to establish this identity that we often forget what life was like in the beginning when we were experiencing things for the first time.

While we cannot consciously perceive what happened in our first few years of our lives, we often like to think back to what life was like when we were children.

I find it interesting that when we were young, we couldn't wait to grow up, and as we age, we often yearn for the times of our youth.

This is a compelling paradox nonetheless and often makes you think as to why this is.

Sure, one could argue that they yearn to have their youth back before one's own responsibilities began to pile up.

On the other hand, there are those that yearn for the times of freedom, imagination, and creativity.

The older we get, the more out of touch we become to our younger selves, even though many of the impressions we experienced in our first years of life are all still very much present subconsciously.

When we were children, we were imaginative and creative, making things up as if they were right out of thin air.

As adults, we find this imaginative spirit to be mundane and even childlike - we associate this kind of thinking as a false reality with a negative connotation behind it.

When we look at the most creative and imaginative minds of the world today, we associate them as being highly successful, whether it be in the field of business, entertainment, or art.

The most successful and creative minds never lost their childlike ability to dream.

The only difference is, they decided to act upon it.

They created their identity out their childlike abilities to be creative and they decided to take massive action to make their dreams into a reality.

This is something that lives inside every single one of us.

Most people like to think that it is not possible or that people that become successful just got lucky.

While luck and timing does have a part in one's ability to become highly successful, the dream never went away for these particular individuals.

We all still have that childlike imagination deep inside of us and it is waiting for us to harness it and make it real.

Seize this opportunity to find your purpose, what makes you passionate, and find your path to fulfillment.

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