If They Wanted To, They Would

If They Wanted To, They Would

Humans are social creatures.

We are biologically designed to converse with one another, build relationships and alliances, and work together within an ecosystem to thrive as a species.

We meet people throughout the course of our lives - some to stay for a long period of time, and some to stay for only a short period of time.

As we continue to grow as people, we grow apart from some, and we grow closer to others.

Sometimes we meet people during very low points in our lives, while the adverse is also true in that we will meet people during thriving periods of our lives.

When we share certain emotions or interests with a particular person, we tend to see reflections of ourselves through the eyes of another and it sparks an interest to befriend this person and grow closer to them.

As soon as our emotions or interests fade, we tend to grow apart from the said person.

As we continue to go on with our lives, we experience different things in life that show us more of who we are and we what feel we are worth.

This can open us up to accepting new people in our lives, but it can also close us off from people who were once previously a big part of our lives.

As you continue to elevate in your life, it is very natural to want to be around certain people on the same life path.

Elevation requires change, and sometimes people who see you changing try and hold on to the perception of you they have held in their minds of the old you.

This can cause a particular distance between you and certain people you were once close to.

This often brings about the question as to how one can tell if someone wants to be a part of your life or not.

The answer to this is rather simple and also very vague in that if someone truly wants to be a part of your life, they would.

If someone wants to be there to watch you grow and continue to grow into the person you are destined to be, they will make the effort to be a part of it.

This is much deeper than someone sharing some sentimental words to persuade you into thinking they are actually interested in you or not.

It is a matter of them taking deliberate action to want to get to know more about you and where you see your life going, and vice versa.

It doesn’t matter whether it is at work, a friendship, or even a romantic relationship, the people who are meant to be a part if your life will make the effort to do so.

This doesn’t go without mentioning that if someone does make a deliberate effort to be a part of your life, then you are to reciprocate their behavior and make it a point to be a part of theirs.

If someone truly wants to support you and support your future endeavors, then it is only fair that you return the favor and support them in theirs.

We see a lot of the grey area in modern day dating.

Oftentimes we will meet someone new that we genuinely like, things go good for awhile, and then all of the sudden, their behavior towards you begins to change.

Maybe their interest in you began to fade or they have their own life problems in which requires more of their attention, whatever the reason is, them wanting to be a part of your life has become rather unclear in their actions towards you.

When this happens, the best thing that you can do is give the said person space and continue on with your mission.

Sitting there trying to beg for someone to be a part of your life or trying to chase them is a guaranteed waste of your time.

The answer is simple: if they wanted to, they would.

In other words, if someone wants to be a part of your life and wants you to be a part of theirs, their actions towards you will be made evident that this is what they want.

If they wanted to know how your day went, they will ask.

If they want to see you again, they will make it known.

If they wanted to talk to you, they would.

Don’t waste your time on people that make you feel uncertain about where you stand in their lives.

If you stay true to who you are and proceed with your lifes mission, the right people will make it a point to be a part of your life, and you will continue to attract those on their mission to fulfill their lifes purpose.

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