How To Tell If A Woman Is Interested In You

How To Tell If A Woman Is Interested In You

Men today lack more confidence than they have in any period of human history.

As society continues to try and push the "feminine" male narrative, men have become less confident and more depressed than ever before.

One thing that I have noticed in particular, is a man's lack of confidence when it comes to women.

I would be lying if I said there weren't moments in my life where I wasn't confident with women. There have been times that I have been rejected and thought to myself that maybe I was just meant to be alone for the rest of my life.

Rejection is all just a part of the human experience - everyone goes through it at one point or another.

How one handles rejection is a choice, even though it may not seem like it in the moment when there are feelings involved.

Fortunately for me, I have lived my life and I have experienced what it's like to be in love, and be rejected.

Most men today have zero options when it comes to women.

Most men today have zero confidence when it comes to women.

Most men today wouldn't even be able to identify if a woman was truly interested in them or not.

The truth is, I have felt what it is like to be completely adored by a woman, and I have also been lied to enough to know that it is almost too easy to be able to tell if a woman is genuinely interested in you or not.

I believe that when it comes to women, you are either a respectable man, or you aren't - either you are the type of man that is capable of being a protector and a provider, or you aren't.

If you are the type of man that is confident, driven, stoic, and capable, then women will naturally take interest in you.

I have said it in previous blogs that confidence is everything for a man. When a confident man walks into a room, he brings a presence with him that people take notice, especially women.

So the real question is, how can a man tell if a woman is genuinely interested in him or not?

Well, if you are doing everything that it takes to be a confident man, I believe that women who are genuinely interested in you, will speak for themselves.

The first thing a man has to do is pay attention...

If you meet a girl, then you need to pay attention to the things she says and how she says them, to how much effort she makes in wanting to get to know you, and vice versa.

Women genuinely like having their minds stimulated through interesting conversation. As a man, this is where having a good sense of humor and charisma will work in your favor - women will naturally want to hold a conversation with you based off of your charisma alone.

Not all men are charismatic, but I do believe it is something that can be learned through enough experience.

So, you take a girl out on your first date, you spark up an interesting conversation, she is telling you about her upbringing and her goals in life, then she asks you about yours.

If a woman stops and asks you about your goals in life, then this can be a sign of interest - she wants to know if you are capable of her time.

On the flip side, if you are out on your first date with a woman and all she does is talk about her ex-boyfriends, places she's been, people she knows, etc. then she isn't at all interested in you. Simply put, she is not thinking about you - she is thinking about other men that have given her things.

As a man, it is your job to distinguish the difference.

It is not hard to tell if a woman is interested in you or not.

If you meet a girl and she genuinely wants to talk to you, she wants to see you, she wants to know how your day is, then she is interested.

When a woman is truly interested in a man, especially in the beginning stages, most of the time, you almost won't be able to get her to leave you alone - which is a positive thing because you made a true, genuine impact.

First impressions are everything. If you make a lasting impression on a woman, she will want to talk to you and see you as much as she possibly can - she genuinely wants your attention and ONLY your attention.

In my blog post "Don't Chase Women", I talked about why the worst thing a man could do is compete for a woman's attention. If a woman is treating you like you're just an option, then she is not interested in you - this to me, is the easiest to identify.

If a woman just expects you to give her attention, meanwhile she does nothing or very little to try and talk to you, then you did not make a lasting impression - she is keeping her options open.

As a man, it is your job to be able to identify this and pursue her accordingly.

At the end of the day, she can't be the only one making an effort and you can't be the only one making an effort.

A woman needs to show genuine interest if she is going to be worth your time and it is your job to make it worth her while if you are going to be worthy of hers.

While it is true that some women will only express interest to men with money, that is something that is fully in a man's control.

But the first step is becoming a man worthy of respect.

If you are a respectable man, then you give no woman any reason to reject you.

If you are a respectable man with boundaries, women will naturally want to respect those boundaries because they are confident in your capabilities.

There are plenty of good women out there, you just need to be better at being a man and she will naturally find that interest in you.

If you are a man with self-respect, you will inherently know when to pursue a woman, and when to back off - but it all starts with you.

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