How To Pick Up Women

How To Pick Up Women

In a world where men lack confidence, they oftentimes find themselves struggling to find a woman or get a woman's attention.

Something that I want to make clear before we dive into this is that confidence is the single most important trait for a man to have.

I believe that confidence is something that is derived from a man's willingness to compete. Simply put, if you wish to be confident, you have to work to accomplish something.

Confidence is a byproduct of intention behind action.

The idea of goal setting is easy, however many find it difficult to set a goal and work towards it because we live in a society that is programmed to take the path of least resistance.

We live in a world that values short-term gratification, when the true fruits of our labor lie on the other side of being able to delay gratification.

A man must also learn how to communicate in order to captivate a woman's attention.

Communication is a skill that can be learned and must be learned if a man plans on being able to be successful in life, whether its women, business, sales, etc.

But first, a man must be confident and be confident in the way that he speaks so that he can start and a control a simple conversation with a woman.

I have said oftentimes that when it comes to communicating with women, it is not so much what you say, but how you say it. This means knowing how to not sound creepy when trying to get a females attention - you're not a horny old man, knock that shit off!

Another important thing to note about communication is being able to develop your own communication style. If you are a natural communicator reading this, you will know exactly what I mean.

What I mean by having your own communication style is that you must be able to express your personality through your speech. This is a key element when it comes to captivating someone's attention because this is how people are going to remember you.

A woman won't remember you if you speak to her in a monotone with absolutely no expression or what may seem like a lack of interest. Even though you may be interested, if you don't sound interested in talking to her, she won't remember you.

I have developed my communication style and tactics through the years of live entertainment. I have had thousands of interactions and conversations with women from all over the world and I have learned how to communicate with women, as well as how they communicate with me.

I have spoken to enough women in my life that I can naturally tell within two minutes of speaking to a woman if she is really happy in her life or not.

There is more to being a good communicator than just having your own style - you must also be perceptive in how they communicate with you to see if they are genuinely interested in having a conversation with you. What they say, how they say it, and even down to a woman's body language will tell you everything you need to know about her current state-of-mind.

Confidence and communication are two things that a man must have just to get a woman's attention.

When it comes to securing her and making her yours, you must have drive and a purpose.

What I mean by this is simple, women love confident men that are driven to live out their purpose in life.

There are many men today online that know absolutely nothing about women telling men that they must get rich and have all of these things in order to be attractive to women and that simply isn't true.

While there is a very small percentage of women out there that are shallow and are just chasing a bag because they have been programmed by men to do so, a majority of women just want to know that a man is capable of committing to things.

If a man is driven, he is a man of commitment and it is as simple as that. This is a quality that women value more than having millions of dollars, I promise you.

A man with drive and a man with purpose is a man of substance and that is ultimately what women want - they want a man to value them and protect and provide for them.

This doesn't mean to become a belligerent asshole after making millions of dollars so that you can boss women around and make them your "bitches" because a woman will end up leaving or cheating on your dumb ass over a long enough period of time. Trust me, I've seen it happen...

If you don't respect her, she will never respect you.

A man must have boundaries in order for a woman to truly respect him and this all ties into being a good communicator.

From the beginning, a man must be willing to communicate his boundaries and make it known that his time is valuable and they are either going to add to each others lives, or they are just going to waste each others time.

This is why becoming a man of value is so important and being wise as to who you allocate your time to is important as a man.

If a woman knows that you are driven and selective of your time, and she truly wants to be with you, she will do what she has to do to be with you. But now this means you have to live up to your commitment and be the man she needs you to be if she is ever going to be the woman you need her to be.

This is why it drives me insane when I hear men today say things like "woman love conditionally and men love unconditionally", which is honestly just a load of bullshit in my opinion.

If you are a man of actual value, you are selective with who you choose to allocate your time to.

If a man is highly selective of the woman he has around him, the woman is naturally going to have to live up to his conditions and his standards if she truly wants to be with him.

This whole idea that women love conditionally because a man needs to be smart, funny, rich, tall, etc. meanwhile, men love unconditionally is bullshit. Men that fall into this trap aren't real men and don't know how to become a man of actual value - this is not the woman's problem.

If you are a man of value, there is a certain set of standards that you are going to hold a woman accountable to for her to even be worth your time. These are conditions under which she must first meet before you even give her the time of day.

So, this whole idea of men loving unconditionally and women loving conditionally is all bullshit.

Men that give into women that provide no value in return need to learn how to be real men if they are ever going to attract a woman that actually does provide real value.

I would argue that a good woman loves unconditionally to a degree that a man will never truly understand. When a woman births a child, there is an unconditional bond that takes place that a man will never understand.

The love of a woman is one of the most powerful forces on the planet and if she is shallow enough to only chase a bag, she has no real love to offer.

A man and a woman are either in love and work with each other everyday on fulfilling their love and commitment to one another, or they're not.

Telling young men they need to become rich and boss women around so they respect you is the surefire way that you end up lonely later on in your life because she will have no respect for you because you did nothing to show up for her and make her feel wanted.

Paying her bills might work in the beginning, but eventually she will wake up one day and realize that you're still a piece of shit that provides no real value to her and now shes stuck because she has been dependent on someone paying her bills and putting a roof over her head this whole time.

Man and woman are supposed to work together to bring life into the world and make a genuine impact.

If you are a man and struggling to find a woman, you must become confident and you must find your purpose in life. If you do these two things and you continue to set goals for yourself, I believe the right woman will be there and you will be confident enough in knowing how and when to pursue her.

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