How To Know You Are Wasting Your Time

How To Know You Are Wasting Your Time

As you all have probably figured out at this point, I am a big believer in managing your own time, especially when it comes to people.

Having the right people around you with pure intentions is essential to keeping your soul at peace, continue to grow as a person, and elevate to higher levels of consciousness.

If you are a goal-driven man, then it is essential that you become highly selective with the woman you choose to allow into your life.

If a man works hard and is focused, the last thing that he needs is a woman that distracts him.

The reason for writing this post today is because I believe there are a lot of men out there that are wasting their time with women who do not allow them to access their fullest potential.

I also believe there are plenty of kind-hearted women out there who are wasting their time with useless men.

Before we kick things off, it is important to recognize that one must first have standards and work at living up to their own standards before they will be able to attract anyone of genuine value.

We have mentioned before that having a set of standards and working towards your standards because they are your truth, is one of the best things you can do when attracting the right people into your life.

Living up to your standards is what will allow people to see you for who you are, what you value in life, and will allow you to identify the people that genuinely support you and the people who don't.

Your standards and your way of living are your truth.

If someone cannot speak their own truth because they would rather be like everyone else, what good are they?

It is essential to be able to establish a baseline of truth and morality as a person so you will be able to identify people that are a waste of your time.

I have wasted enough of my time with women in my past, even though I can't consider it all wasted time because I would never have established the boundaries that I have now as a man if it weren't for those failed relationships.

Now, I am extremely selective with whatever woman I decide to give my time and attention to - she must be able to earn it.

A man must be able to identify if a woman is wasting his time or not.

If you are a man that is focused on what you wish to accomplish in life, a woman wasting your time will stick out like a sore thumb because she will serve as more of a distraction.

Men that are focused don't have time for women that switch up their attitude, pretend to be interested one moment and the next moment they're not, or women that are completely chaotic.

Men that are focused have boundaries and if she cannot live within your boundaries, she is just going to waste your time.

A woman that respects a man's boundaries is worth his time because she is not going to deliberately try and test his boundaries.

When a woman is truly interested in a man, the thought of other men repulses her - if she spends her time talking to nothing but other men or getting attention from other men, get back to work because she is not worth your time, my friend.

A woman that truly respects herself is highly selective with the people she allows into her life, the same way men do.

If all of her friends are men, do not waste your time...

This one may be controversial but as you all know, I am a big believer in having pure intentions and if a woman has only male friends, regardless if she has good intentions or not, chances are not every single one of her male friends do.

The reason why this is a red flag is because a lot of men befriend women, especially if they are attractive, in hopes of being able to get in her pants one day if the opportunity presented itself. As I stated above, while she might see him as just a friend, his intentions are not entirely pure.

It is essential that a man choose a woman who only surrounds herself with people that are genuine, have her best interests at heart, and want to see her win.

I personally will never entertain another female who only has male friends because I know where that road leads - she can have that, I have work to do.

Another key indicator if a man is wasting his time is in the beginning stages - if a woman is interested in you one minute and the next acts like you don't even exist, you are wasting your time.

If she goes from asking how your day was to not asking how your day was, she has lost interest and has already moved on herself.

The reality of it is that when a woman is truly interested in a man, he is all she can think about - she wants to talk to you, see you, and know how your day was.

If she expresses interest and then doesn't, she is leaving the door open for other men and that is the last type of female any man should waste his time on.

Any woman that wants a man to compete for her attention is not worth a man's time. As a man, you must be able to identify this and act accordingly.

You are a man! You have boundaries and standards that must be met because you work hard everyday to fulfill your purpose and your destiny - you don't have time to waste on females that take no interest in you.

If you are a man that is driven and work hard to fulfill your life's purpose, a real woman will find you admirable and she will want to be a part of that and make the effort to be a part of that.

If a woman wants to see what you have to offer her but leaves the door open for other men, then she has nothing to offer you that you cannot get from any other female.

It is essential that a man be able to identify if a woman is genuinely interested in him or not before he wastes anymore of his time trying to pursue her - this same rule applies to women as well.

It is important for a woman to understand if she is wasting her time or not.

I would argue that it is sometimes harder for a woman to see this because women typically get emotionally attached to a man much quicker than a man gets attached to a woman.

As a woman, you must be able to identify if you are with a man that is driven towards something larger than himself.

If everything that a man does is to benefit him, he is most likely looking for a trophy wife to make him look good.

A man has to be driven towards something greater if he is going to be of any use to a woman or their family together.

If your man is not driven towards anything at all, a woman must be able to identify this as wasting her time because it is not a woman's job to motivate her man.

If things seem too good to be true, chances are that they are because men are highly manipulative.

A man will tell a woman whatever she wants to hear to get what he wants from her when the reality of it is, a real man is searching for a genuine connection with a woman.

A real man isn't going to tell you everything that you want to hear because life is hard and it is always going to be hard.

A real man is going to tell you like it is because he realizes that all a good woman can really do is add to his life.

Ladies and gentlemen, it is incredibly important that you set standards and boundaries for yourself so that you can be open to attracting someone of genuine substance into your life.

Don't be desperate and waste your own time relying on dating apps or whatever else bullshit there is out there because you know what they say: never go grocery shopping when you're hungry because you will buy the wrong things.

The same is true for relationships: never go looking for a relationship because you're lonely and desperate because you will only attract the wrong people.

Instead, focus on building yourself into your best self and the things you truly value in life because our values are what make us who we are.

Where focus goes, energy flows so if you focus on the things that matter, you will attract people with those same values.

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