How To Identify Pure Inentions

How To Identify Pure Inentions

As many of you may already know, I am a big believer in having pure intentions in anything that one does.

If you want to get into good physical shape so that you can be strong, live a longer life, and set a good example for your children to be healthy and take care of themselves, that is a pure intention.

If you decide to start reading more books because you want to learn new things and you realize that knowledge is leverage to you in your life, that is a pure intention.

If you want to find a good man or a good woman to settle down the rest of your life with and you decide to become the best version of yourself so that you can care for them, tend to their needs, and always be supportive, that is a good intention.

Good intentions are few and far in between in today's day in age.

Most people confuse good intentions with allowing those around them to destroy themselves because it is their way of "living life".

I will be the first to admit, I personally do not care how one wishes to live their life.

If you tune in to read these blogs on a daily basis and you learn something from them, or you learn nothing from it, that is for you to decide.

I write these blog posts with the intent that you, the reader, can think about what I am saying, see if you relate to anything that I am saying, and formulate your own thoughts and opinions.

I am aware that many of the things that I write about may seem controversial to some, but that is exactly why these conversations need to be had.

If something I write about makes you uncomfortable, then that means that it is something the you yourself need to sit down and think about.

Because the reality of it is, I believe anyone can read my content and see that there is no malicious intent behind the words that I am saying.

I simply try to bridge a gap between the problems people face in modern culture and bring these problems to peoples attention, while offering a potential solution to help fix the problem if you feel like it is something that resonates with you.

The reality of it is, I am fully aware that I cannot fix anyone and that is not my intention here on this platform.

My intention is to help people become aware of their own thinking, their own behaviors, how men and women think, and so on.

Awareness is my intent because I realize no matter how much you wish for someone to change, there is nothing you can do if they truly do not want to.

If someone can actually become aware of their own thoughts and own bad behaviors, then it is on them to make the change themselves for the betterment of themselves.

It all starts with having pure intentions.

Most people would argue that their intentions are pure, meanwhile they focus on self-destructive behavior more than productive behavior.

Anytime you encourage yourself or someone else to take part in behavior that is self-destructive, those are bad intentions.

Regardless of what you tell yourself - that you're not "judgemental" as to how someone lives their life, if you truly care about someone, you do not encourage them to do stupid shit, period.

It starts with the self.

If you cannot control yourself and you continue to partake in self-destructive behavior, then you will reflect it onto those that are closest to you.

This is also why I have said so many times that who you choose to be friends with matters because 98% of the people out there do NOT truly have pure intentions when it comes to friendship.

If people sit there and encourage your own self-destructive behavior, then those people do not have your best interests at heart and do not have pure intentions.

If people around you are only telling you everything that you want to hear, then they do not have pure intentions as your friend.

What people often don't realize that it is the people that tell you what you DON'T want to hear, are truly have your back the most - these are pure intentions.

People that will sit there and tell you that you are acting like a fool and being stupid for doing the things that you are doing that are contributing to your unhappiness are the kinds of people that truly want better for you.

If you are trying to find love and you have people around you encouraging you to be on dating apps, these people do NOT have pure intentions.

Especially if you are a woman - if you have nothing but people around you encouraging you to be desperate in your pursuit of happiness, then the people around you truly do not want to see you win.

Regardless of what they tell themselves or what you tell yourself, anyone that encourages you to behave in such a way that is detrimental to your own well-being, does not have your best interest at heart and does not have pure intentions.

This is why who you choose to be friends with actually matters.

If you lack confidence, then you will only surround yourself with people that also lack confidence.

If you lack self-respect, you will only surround yourself with others that also lack self-respect.

If you are desperate to find love, then you will only surround yourself with others that are also desperate to find love.

The solutions here are quite easy to understand, but hard at practice simply because it takes work to build yourself into someone that is worthy of having a good life and having the things that you truly want out of life.

Most would rather take the path of least resistance and drag everyone else around them to the bottom with them as a result.

Even if it is not their intent, if someone is in a negative space themselves, they will naturally bring everyone else down around them with them.

Because the reality of it is, their intent is to not help themselves, which by extension, will not truly help anyone else around them.

This is why misery will always love company.

If you are miserable, you will only surround yourself with other miserable people and you continue to feed off of one another.

You will naturally give each other shitty advice and think it is good advice because you are coming from a negative headspace and mindset.

This is why intentions are so important because pure intentions are expressed through one's actions.

Someone can sit there and encourage bad behavior to you, tell themselves they are just giving you good honest advice, when in reality, they are giving you horrible advice because they are encouraging you to be self-destructive!

This is why you must pay attention to the things that people do, not what they say.

Intentions are expressed through someone's actions.

If I am dating a woman and she tells me she loves me, meanwhile she is out here texting and messaging other men behind my back, does she really love me?

Are her intentions truly pure?

Absolutely not!

Because she knows that I would not be okay with it, yet she does it anyway out of sheer disrespect.

"Oh but she loves you"... Bullshit!

You do not love someone if you cannot respect them and that is due to a lack of having pure intentions.

If a woman is looking for love and she is out here seeking validation from a bunch of men, she does not have any pure intentions.

If a woman was focused on being and acting like a lady so that a good man will actually seek her out as being valuable instead of looking at her like she is just another option, that is pure intention.

When you enter into a new relationship and you are thinking about how you can add value to someone else instead of what value that person can add to you is pure intention.

If you walk into a gym to get into really good shape so you can post yourself half naked online, make money and get a bunch of followers and attention, that is not pure intention.

If you do things for the betterment of yourself with the thought of bringing true genuine value to others, that is pure intention.

It is not hard to distinguish good intentions from bad intentions.

If you pay attention to peoples actions and not the words that they say, their intentions will be clear as day if you can get your head out of your own ass.

If you meet a man on a dating app, you can almost guarantee he does not have pure intentions because good confident men aren't on dating apps.

Men on dating apps are there for sex because they are insecure, period.

Ladies, do not fool yourselves into believing that men on dating apps are "interested" in you when they are swiping on women everyday.

Do not believe that men in your DM's have pure intentions and truly want to get to know the real you when all you're doing is posting yourself half naked on social media.

Fellas, do not believe that just because a woman says that she likes you that she actually likes you because if she is talking to other men, she does not have pure intentions with you or any other man for that matter.

Do not believe that the people around you that are telling you everything you want to hear really care about you because they don't.

You must be able to distinguish good intentions from bad intentions.

If you are one that truly has good intentions and you work to become the best version of yourself everyday, you will be able to see right though peoples bad intentions.

You will be able to distinguish people that truly want to see you win and people that do not truly want to see you win.

The reality of it is, there are going to be very few people on the entire planet that are going to have pure intentions for you and truly want the best for you in life.

If all you do is surround yourself with people that tell you everything you want to hear, then you can guarantee that you will never have the things in life that you are truly looking for.

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