How To Become Invaluable

How To Become Invaluable

Aside from much of the dating content that we talk about here at Playboy Ranchin', the deeper message behind what we do is to help people think differently about how they can provide real genuine value to themselves and to others.

Becoming a person that is invaluable is a goal that I personally strive for.

My goal in life is the be the man that has been able to make the greatest impact on the people around me, as well as be a voice of reason for others that I don't know, hence the meaning of why you are here right now.

I believe that becoming a person that is invaluable is the best goal that anyone could ever have.

Think about it - if you are the type of person, whether a man or a woman, and your main goal is to become as useful as humanly possible and become dependable in your duties, how could people not want to be around you?

I do not consider myself to be even remotely close to being the invaluable man that I envision myself as, but I do work everyday to get there.

From where I am standing, it is evident to me that most people out there do more work in following the crowd and trying to be and do as others do, than they do in bettering themselves.

Everyone knows self-mastery is the answer to all of their problems - there is a reason why everyone now reads "self-help" books and preaches motivational quotes on their social media.

I know because I am guilty of it as well.

But, what I can tell you is that no amount of "self-help" books are ever going to change your life for you.

Yes, you do need to shift your mindset if you often find yourself unhappy in your current situations, but if you do nothing of practice, if you take no action, then you get no results.

Life and having the things that you want is a lot more than putting sticky notes on your bathroom mirror and telling yourself you are worth more.

Life is about action and and desire to actually be the person and have the things that you say that you want.

It is like having trauma - if all you do is tell yourself you are worth more when you have been through a lot of trauma, you aren't going to get very far.

If you use your trauma as fuel to take action and have a burning desire to build yourself so that you never have to feel that way again, now your life begins to change.

Your mind begins to harden in belief in yourself because you are taking action towards becoming the person you say you want to be.

Trauma is an extremely valuable tool for men especially.

If you are a man that is smart, you can use your past traumas as fuel to make yourself useful to yourself and those around you, but it starts with having control over your emotions.

Trauma for men can either cause men in today's day in age to either be overly emotional, or angry.

If I had to choose between the two, I choose anger every single time because if you understand how to control anger, it becomes an incredible source of fuel to get good results.

This is also why trauma plays a different effect on women than it does for men.

Women are highly emotional and it is in their biological programming to be as such.

Women are not born with the levels of testosterone that men inherently have and this is partially why it is so hard for women to get over their past traumas.

Women are essentially hardwired to hold on to trauma because of their vast array of emotions that have different psychological effects on their minds, then it does for men.

When women experience trauma, they inherently develop more masculine traits, but also never learn how to deal with their trauma because of their emotions and having so many of them.

Men are hardwired to be useful to society and being useful as a man is one way that he learns to control his emotions - he needs to be productive.

Women are hardwired to be caregivers which makes them the best possible candidates for raising children - they shouldn't have to go out into the world and experience the stress and pain that life has to offer.

Unfortunately, there is hardly any women today that haven't experienced emotional trauma to some degree or another, even the younger generation.

This is partially due to men becoming so weak over the last 100 years, and partially due to the feminist movement that has been programming young minds for the last 40-50 years here in the Western world.

Society in the Western world has been programming men to become weaker, more sappy, more in their feelings, while simultaneously programming women to not have to depend on men, be equal in the workplace, be strong and independent, and accepting life as a single mother.

The way one gains control over a society is by making men weak and vulnerable.

The way one gains control of a society is by attacking the women because it is women that are man's ultimate weakness.

People inherently know that the way it is is not how it is supposed to be.

People know this because most people inherently want a traditional relationship where the man protects and provides for his family, while the woman can stay at home and raise the children.

Women inherently want a man that is capable of protecting them and providing for them but oftentimes have no idea how to find a man like this.

Men inherently want a woman that is authentic and traditional and have absolutely no idea how to find a woman like this.

The answer as to why women struggle to find good men and men struggle to find good women is because of societal programming.

Men spend their waking hours obsessing over beautiful women online and watching porn, instead of going out and being useful to society.

Women spend their waking hours seeking validation from men through things like social media and dating apps, instead of going out and acting like a lady.

The answer is quite simple in my opinion - people want the traditional relationship but hardly anyone has traditional values.

If you claim to be "traditional" but you're out here obsessing over women online, you very much live in the modern degenerate culture.

If you claim to be a traditional woman and you are posting yourself half naked online, you are very much living in the modern degenerate culture.

You cannot expect to have something that is traditional that you inherently want if you cannot value such things.

The way you actually attract something traditional is by becoming a person that is invaluable.

You do the work to learn self-mastery so that you can go out into the world and add value you yourself and others around you.

You learn self-mastery for the benefit of helping bring value to others because it is the pure intention behind your action that brings real value.

Wake up everyday and make commitments to yourself to take new action to gain leverage and add more value than you did the day before.

If you are a man, make an effort to learn something new every single day - women will love you if you are resourceful.

If you are a woman, make an effort to become more of your authentic self everyday because men love authenticity - men do not like when a woman is faking herself online or in public to get attention from other men.

The way that a man becomes invaluable is by building his confidence, practices self-control, controls his emotions, is purpose-driven, highly knowledgeable, physically and mentally sharp, and a good protector and provider.

An honorable mention is a man of honor - a man that lives up to his word because he is a man of commitment to everything that he does.

A man that has the ability to make a genuine impact to everyone around him makes him invaluable.

The way a woman becomes invaluable is by building her confidence, having self-respect and accountability, remaining highly exclusive from men, authentic, and nurturing.

A woman that does not crave attention from men, is authentic and true to who she is, and has a natural ability to nurture makes her invaluable.

I believe it is everyone's duty to start today by making the commitment to themselves to become a person that is invaluable.

If you want someone else to see you and accept you for what you bring to the table, then you must live it and practice it everyday.

If you want to attract someone loyal that will compliment your spirit, then you cannot cheat on your commitments - this means STAY OFF THE DATING APPS!

Build your confidence, control your emotions, and focus on how you can become the best version of you so that you can actually bring something to the table and add value to others.

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