How To Become Interesting

How To Become Interesting

Interest is a widely broad subject.

When we think of something or someone that is interesting, we think of it as something that is easily able to captivate our attention.

The idea of being a person who is "interesting" solely depends on what they are actually interested in, what they know, and what their life experiences consist of.

Objectively speaking, you may not be considered interesting to the outside world if all you do is sit at home and play video games.

However, if you have in-depth knowledge about the world inside of video games, how they were made, what companies made them, fact you know about the companies etc. you have something that makes you interesting to a specific niche of people.

This is ultimately why gamers have streaming platforms - so other gamers can watch them play and potentially learn.

To somebody like me, this isn't something that makes even the littlest bit of sense because who would want to sit on a computer and watch someone else play a video game and pay them to play it?

While the concept doesn't necessarily make sense to me, the overall bigger picture does make sense in that there are people that share particular interests that want to connect with other people with the same interests.

This rule essentially applies to everything because knowledge and experience in something gives you something to talk about and share with others.

Being as that we are social animals, you can never have too much to talk about.

In this sense, knowledge is power.

Knowledge and skills are the gateway to becoming not only an expert in a particular field, but makes you interesting by today's standards.

With platforms like social media, you can showcase your skills and knowledge to the world, and gain a following because people find you interesting.

When I look at myself, I do not consider myself to be "interesting" per se.

I live rather secluded in most senses and focus on my work, and gaining knowledge and skills in my field.

I do not go out and socialize on the weekends, I do not drink, I don't party or gamble, and I never find myself getting into some crazy amount of trouble because of a night out.

With that being said, one thing that people find interesting about me is the many different things I have done in my life.

Everyone wants to know how a man like me goes from performing live on stage at Chippendales in Las Vegas, to ranching and training horses for a living.

While I will not bore you with the details as they were outlined explicitly in one of my earliest blog posts, I will say that people take interest in my personal life experiences because of the wildly different things that I have done and experienced in terms of my career choices.

The point that I am trying to make is that just going out and experiencing different things will give you stories to tell and people will find these things to be particularly interesting.

In a general sense, you need to have things to talk about, and life experience will give you plenty of things to talk about.

Whether it be in business or your personal life, the more experience will give you more to talk about.

But the question then becomes: what makes you interesting when choosing a potential partner?

When I think of this question, I like to rephrase it into: what makes you different from everybody else?

To me, I find people outside of the norm to be particularly interesting.

I find women that operate outside of societal norms interesting because it makes way for better conversation.

Women that do not think or act like what the masses say or do are what I personally find interesting.

What I can tell you is that women fancy this among men as well.

Women like when a man has stories to tell and knowledge to share because your different life experiences are what separate you from every other guy that she talks to or has talked to.

I say "talks to" because every man in their right mind knows no woman is ONLY talking to just one man, let's be honest with ourselves here.

This means that you too need to be honest with yourselves ladies, because while it may not apply to every woman out there, most women are always talking to more than one man at a time, and she is going to find the most interest in the one she finds the most interesting and most capable.

This is ultimately why dating for men is hyper-competitive by today's standards because there are multiple men typically competing for one woman.

Again, this isn't always the case because some men and women are much more conservative in this sense and don't particularly care for giving and/or receiving attention.

Being as that we now live in an attention driven economy, one's ability to captivate others attention will play a role in their ability to find a potential mate.

This is ultimately why becoming knowledgeable and skilled at things gives you leverage because knowledge and skills make you interesting to others.

Once you have gained someone's attention, now you need to focus on how to keep their attention.

This is where you need to use mystery as leverage.

Don't give away all of yourself to any one person!

What I mean by this is, do not share everything about yourself with any one person because by not sharing everything creates a mystery around your character.

As humans, it is almost natural for us to give ourselves completely away as soon as we like somebody else and this can eventually cause someone to lose interest because they become bored rather quickly.

Instead, you need to know when to distance yourself and when to engage in someone.

Distance can create a level of mystery behind your character because it is going to make the other person wonder what you're up to or if you even have interest in them.

Now, I am not saying go full ghost on someone unless they really pissed you off and you no longer see a point in speaking to them anymore, but what I am saying is that adding a layer of mystery to your character will keep people interested in you.

I also want to make clear that I am not saying to not be authentic because true authenticity is highly desirable.

It is a matter of being authentic, but also knowing how to be professional.

I am guilty of giving myself away too quickly as I am sure many people are, but this is a lesson I have learned through trial and error.

Being someone that is seen as interesting can be a powerful tool for you if you know how to leverage it.

You owe it to yourself and others around you to become more skilled and knowledgeable because not only does it make you more capable of providing value to others, you will be able to enhance your reputation simultaneously.

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