How To Be Charming

How To Be Charming

A man with a good sense of charm is extremely attractive to women.

You can ask any woman out there, a man who is charming is one that is going to grab her attention.

A man could be the most desirable physical specimen that looks like he was created by God Himself, if he lacks charm, he instantly becomes less attractive to women.

First, we need to define what charm is, and then we will talk about how one can become more charming and leave others with a good impression.

Before we get into it, I just want to make something clear - I do not condone the use of charm as a manipulation tactic.

The premise of having a good sense of charm is to leave people with a good impression of you - not to woo someone into giving you something.

Charm, in its most raw form, is a characteristic that we adopt as humans to appear to be pleasant and more attractive in the eyes of others.

Someone who is polite, friendly, and approachable is one that people see as being charming.

Which brings me to the first point in how one can develop a stronger sense of charm: having manners.

Having manners and being polite goes a long way in human interaction, especially if it is the first interaction between two people.

Politeness is a respectable quality by others and portrays to the other person that you respect them and their time.

For example, a man willing to hold the car door open for a woman or walk on the street side of the sidewalk when walking next to a woman is a polite actionable quality that is often respected by women.

Being polite goes deeper than actionable qualities however, because polite verbal communication also plays a part.

Being attentive to the other person, looking them in the eyes when speaking to them, and relaying back things they may have mentioned are also seen as polite because this shows that you are interested in what the other person is communicating to you.

An interesting thing about humans is that we all inherently love when other people want to listen to what we have to say, which brings me to point number two in developing a strong sense of charm: become a listener.

It is an inherent trait that people love to talk about themselves - some more than others, but it is something we all enjoy in human interaction to some degree.

By becoming a listener, you direct all of the focus to the person you are interacting with.

One can practice becoming a listener through a couple of different tactics that I have learned in my years of live entertainment that I want to share with you.

The first tactic is what I stated above: relay parts of what they are communicating to you back to them.

Something as simple as, "you told me earlier that you have three older brothers, what was that like for you growing up?"

Not only does relaying display that you are listening, it also allows you to think about how to keep the conversation moving forward.

The next tactic is a little bit trickier and requires a little bit more wittiness on your part, but try and think of a quick joke or remark involving something you asked them.

Something like "oh you're from Australia? Who would have thought you would have flown halfway across the world just to have this conversation with me? I feel honored!"

The third and final point to developing a good sense of charm is: be comfortable asking for their contact information.

It doesn't matter whether it is a business transaction or a woman you are interested in, if you felt like your initial interaction went smoothly and you would like to speak to them again, then the next step is to ask for their contact information.

What is the worst they could say?


Which is fine because rejection is a part of life and is something we all have to grow comfortable with.

In fact, I would even argue that rejection could even inspire you to become more charming - work on your communication skills and your face-to-face interactions with other people.

If you ask for someone's contact info, then it displays to the other person that you are interested in speaking to them again.

It also displays a level of confidence because you didn't lead with asking for their contact info right away - you created a conversation and developed a surface level of rapport with someone first.

The most important thing to remember about charm is to use it for good, not manipulation.

Charm needs to be a source of character, not a facade you want to play just to get something out of someone else right away.

Lead with charm, lead with kindness, and lead with being polite as these are all traits that establish good moral character and boundaries, and will forever work in your favor.

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