How Men Think

How Men Think

I have had many women tell me about their dating and personal lives and I have also had women ask me for advice on men.

How I became the mediator for peoples personal lives, I have no idea...

But what I can tell you is that men are much more simple than a lot of women think - I don't mean the majority of men by today's standards, I mean true masculine men.

Men today act more like women and as a result, they have become softer because they are more worried about their feelings and not having any purpose in life, than to actually go out into the world and be productive to society.

There is one major point that I continue to reference to because it is a fundamental law of the universe in that one simply attracts what they put out into the universe.

If you are not aware of your thoughts, actions, and energy that you put out into the universe, you will continue to attract more of the same bullshit you constantly find yourself in.

It took me many years to truly understand the law of attraction because I too, used to play the victim - whoa is me, why does this always happen to me, etc.

The truth is, people have to come to grips with the fact that there are certain things in life that they just have no control over. You cannot control the thoughts and actions of someone else - you can only control your own thoughts and actions and how things effect you.

Every person you meet in life is meant to teach you a lesson, whether it's about yourself, things you value in others, or a lesson about life in general.

The problem is, most people live in a constant state of emotion and anxiety and this emotional state is going to block you from being able to take a step back and think logically about your situation.

This is why people coined the term "time heals all" because once someone has had enough time for the feelings to wear off, they can actually think about their past experiences from a logical perspective.

One problem I think a lot of women today face is that they have absolutely no idea how men actually think.

I have stated before in previous blogs about how simple women actually are, but men are even more simple if you know how they operate.

First, you can tell a lot about a man by his level of confidence - there is a fine line between confidence and arrogance.

Confident men aren't purposely trying to impress you, they impress you by being a man of substance - a man of drive and purpose.

Confident men are men with manners, whether it is holding the car door open for a woman or walking on the street side of the sidewalk etc.

Arrogant men tend to be the most insecure. Everything these types of men do are to purposely try and impress others - nobody gives a shit where you bought your Armani jacket, bro... deal with it.

Confident men are simple in nature because it doesn't take much to please a man whose life is already full. By full, I mean this kind of man already has a life of genuine substance and value because he is committed to the things that he does.

Something as simple as making him dinner will be enough to make his day, especially if he works hard and does what he is supposed to do as a man.

Where I think most women fall short is not understanding that all real men want is respect.

Men want to be respected by their friends, their woman, their family, and their peers.

If a man is doing what he is supposed to and has the ability to earn others respect, then who he chooses as a woman is incredibly important.

The last thing a man of genuine substance is going to want is to be with a woman that either doesn't believe in him, or disturbs his peace.

Disturbance of peace is an important note because men don't want to spend their time arguing with a woman that is supposed to be supporting him.

Men also desire exclusivity - a woman that every man wants but no other man can have. This is oftentimes where promiscuous women fall short.

Men look at promiscuous females and only want one thing - sex. People inherently know this about men because anytime a man sees an attractive woman, his brain immediately goes to sex - it is just how men think.

Real men know the true value promiscuous women offer and it is nothing compared to what a real woman has to offer. Real men have self-control and know the difference between a woman who just wants attention and a woman that will truly protect his spirit.

There is nothing wrong with a woman wanting to be promiscuous with her man and her man only. But if all it takes is a DM to give another man attention, she has no genuine respect for her man. This is why any man can truly have a promiscuous woman.

A real man just wants a woman that respects him - genuinely respects him. This means a woman that is not out trying to get attention from other men and a woman who makes her man feel like he is THE man.

If a man had to choose between love or respect from a woman, he would choose respect every single time.

So, what does this mean? It means that saying something as simple as "honey, you are a warrior and you're the hardest working man that I know. I appreciate all that you do for me." is going to go MILES beyond saying a simple "I love you."

Men want to feel respected, they want to feel like THE man - this is how.

When a man feels respected, you can truly get the most out of him. A man will go to the end of the earth for a woman that respects him and brings him genuine peace.

I understand there are less good men in the world today. On one side, you have the rich men living like pure degenerates with nothing of substance to offer a woman, and on the other hand, you have men that are weak and emotional with no passion, drive, or purpose.

Just because there are less good men out there, doesn't mean they don't exist.
If you are one who believes there are no good men or no good women left out there, you need to become more clear in your thinking because your priorities are out of line somewhere.

I used to think that there were no good women left out there - this is a result of how I used to think and the types of women I would attract into my life. I simply can't help that I am attracted to very beautiful women, just like all men are.

I used to think that the prettier she is, the more problems she has, which is still true to an extent and that is just the way modern society and other men have programmed women to think. With that being said, I know there are plenty of beautiful women out there that do have something of genuine substance to offer a man that just want to be with a real man.

My thoughts have become much more clear in terms of what I value and what I look for.

I am a simple man and I always will be.

I want to be respected just like any man does.

I have a vision and goals that must be accomplished in my lifetime. This means I am highly selective with who I choose to spend my time with.

It doesn't take much to make me happy. Quality time with the people that I care about means more to me than expensive shit.

If more women and even more men knew how real men think, I genuinely believe people would work harder at being able to provide actual value, have self-respect, and be able to find genuine peace in their lives.

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