Holding Masculine Frame

Holding Masculine Frame

A man that is objectively masculine is a man that is able to hold frame in all areas of his life.

What I mean by holding frame is that a man is aware that when it comes time to be a professional, he is a professional - when it comes time for a man to be the leader of his home, he is the leader of his home.

This idea of a man just being himself all the time is highly unrealistic.

In this sense, if a man is just being himself and he is naturally sloppy, unprofessional, passive, and makes everything into a joke, then he lacks the ability to hold masculine frame.

Being able to hold masculine frame means that a man understands that he has a job and duties to uphold, and his ability to step into that role and fulfill them is what makes him objectively masculine.

Going back to the sloppy, unprofessional man example, if that is just how a man is and he is just being himself, then how he does one thing is how he does all things.

This is why discipline is one of the key elements of an objectively masculine man because discipline is willingness to focus in on something, regardless if you want to actually be doing the thing or not.

It is important to note that there is a time and a place for everything.

For instance, there is a time and a place for a man to be soft or playful, especially when it comes to having a family with children.

The point is, a man who is a man is one that capable of being a protector/provider for his wife and family, but still able to be soft and nurturing.

A man still needs to be able to express feelings of love for the one's he cares the most about, especially his wife and kids.

When a man just wants to play big bad wolf all the time and what he says goes, people that rely on him will eventually end up losing respect for him.

Being able to hold masculine frame and be an objectively masculine man is not a matter of making your way as the leader just so you can be in control of others, but making your way as a leader to serve others.

This means a man must be willing to sacrifice parts of himself to serve others, not just serve himself and his own ego.

Objectively speaking, the concept of being a man who holds frame is relatively simple to understand, but hard to practice.

A man holding frame is a man that needs to be willing to show up every single day and work on the things that make him a man.

This is not something that a man just decides to do every once in awhile, but a principle that he lives by every single day.

Authenticity is important because as we have spoken about previously, a man that remains true to himself, lives by his own truth, and lives true to God, then he is going to be one that lives a life of peace and fulfillment.

I believe that is truly every man's goal at the end of the day - to be fulfilled and live with peace of mind.

Sure, there are always going to be things that come up in life that create hard times and times of stress, but a man that is fulfilled is a man that is capable of dealing with the hard times.

A man that is able to create an environment for himself and those he serves that collectively brings everyone peace is the ultimate form of success in life.

A man could have all of the money in the world but if his life is full of nothing but chaos and he brings that chaos onto the people that rely on him, then how successful can he really be?

A man needs to be able to make peace from chaos so that those he serves can live in peace.

This does not go without mentioning that a man cannot shield the one's he serves from their own hardships in life because every human on the planet is going to experience hardship of their own.

The point of being an objectively masculine man that is able to hold frame is being able to lead by example so that his future generation will know how to deal with hardship the right way.

Everything is about action because words mean nothing.

A man leads by example, not by the words coming out of his mouth.

A man that commits to everything he does is a man that leads by example.

This is where authenticity ties in to this whole thing because a man that lives by his own truth and does not live within the constraints of what is considered to be "socially acceptable" is how a man will be able to lead by example.

A man that fears God is a man that is capable of leading by example - this is something that we talked about two days ago if you haven't gotten a chance to read about what it means to be a man that fears God.

I personally find a lot of the content floating around out there preaching to men about how to be men is objectively correct, but I also do not believe that much of what is out there is authentic.

Truth be told, there is always someone trying to sell you something.

Take this brand for example, I am personally selling you, the reader, on the idea of building a community of men and women that want to be strong and live in harmony with one another by ways of traditional values.

Everything on social media is marketing and while I believe there is some great content out there for young men, I also believe a lot of it is pure folly for engagement of others trying to sell their own products, their own stories, and build their own communities to make more money.

To be fair, I do not see any point in a man dressed in designer clothes, talking about how important it is for a man to find a woman he loves, and justifies being able to cheat on his woman because he is a "high value" man.

To me, this is grade A marketing for people that don't even practice what they preach.

You do not need to make millions of dollars to be a real man, you just have to be a man and a man that is able to hold frame, do your duties, serve others, and commit to everything that you do.

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