Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

Today is New Years Day and the first day of 2024.

This is not going to be some typical "new year, new me" bullshit either.

The topic of today's post is going to revolve around many of the basic principles we talk about daily here on this platform.

You simply do not need a new year to eventually find yourself doing the same exact shit you did the year before, and the year before that.

Truth be told, it doesn't matter what year it is.

The only thing that matters is your mission.

For me personally, I do not celebrate the holidays because everyday is much of the same for me.

Everyday is a matter of working and finding more work to do because like I always say, there is always more work to be done.

A night out until 1 o'clock in the morning, drinking alcohol around a bunch of random people, to sit there and watch colorful bombs explode in the sky is not something that truly suits me.

Sure, there will be new years celebrations in the future when there is a wife and kids to celebrate it with, but for now, the only focus is getting to where I need to go, period.

You can say 2024 already started off with a bang because I showed up to the ranch this morning to find a horse laid on his side with his foot stuck in the barn door, and no way of getting it out.

I started this new year but cutting metal bars off of a door to free a horses leg while trying to help him stand up.

While it is never pleasant to see an animal in distress, it is part of the job.

What people do not understand about ranching is that there are no days off of work - it is the one lifestyle where you work 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

This is the life that I chose because it is the only thing I have ever done that has ever brought me true fulfillment.

Being able to solve problems, fix things, and train horses is the kind of life that suits my spirit because everything that I do on a ranch has a purpose.

It is not like showing up to work and doing some meaningless paperwork for a company you don't even want to be at - it is much more than that.

It doesn't matter whether its freezing cold, hot as balls, pouring rain, or snowing its ass off, the work always has to be done.

Ranching is a lifestyle where you just need to learn to embrace the suck because you know that what you are doing, you are doing for a reason.

Working on a ranch is a lot of responsibility because not only are you responsible for keeping up with the property, you are responsible for the lives of other living creatures.

When something goes wrong with a cow or a horse, you have to figure out how to fix it - trust me, there is always something wrong when it comes to working with animals.

The point of this post is not to try and glorify my life, but to make a mere example because there is nothing glorifying about having to work in shit everyday.

The moral of the story is that when you find something that drives you, embracing the suck is just part of the journey.

The reality of it is, there are never any days off when it comes to you and your desired outcomes in life.

As a man, it is our masculine duty to be the best possible versions of ourselves so that those that rely on us, can always rely on us.

This means that working to be the best version of yourself is something that you MUST commit to everyday.

There will be plenty of time to find balance and find peace once you have established a foundation of self-control, and emotional control.

If you fail to establish true self and emotional control, you will live your life as a victim to your own pain.

When you become a victim to your own pain, you only invite more pain into your life.

As we have discussed in previous blog posts, there is always going to be pain in life, and the more exceptional of a life you wish you live, the worse the pain is going to be.

However, if you can control how pain effects you and harness it to wield your own strength, no amount of pain in the universe is ever going to break you.

If you allow yourself to fall a victim to your own pain, you are only going to create more of it and at that point, it is self-inflicted.

There are always going to be things in life that you can't control, but what you can control is your thoughts and your behavior.

The mission never ends because there will always be new mountains to climb.

I wish you all a strong and successful 2024 and I want everyone that reads this to make a strong push to find their most efficient system of operation to achieve desired outcomes.

If you focus everyday on making yourself stronger physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and financially, then I have no doubt everyone here will have a completely different life by the time we have this conversation again next year.

Be driven, find your purpose, and work everyday at making your visions into a reality.

Remember that God is always watching and he is exceptionally rewarding to those who pay their dues everyday, and are patient.

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