Going Through Change

Going Through Change

We all go through major changes in our lives in some way.

Whether we are experiencing heartbreak, moving to a new state, changing our career paths etc. undergoing massive change is inevitable.

These experiences of change make big impacts on our lives and allow us to discover new things about the world, and about ourselves.

Change inspires a whole new wave of challenges and adversity that we must figure out how to overcome.

Moving away from your hometown is one of the biggest challenegs you will ever face.

You move away from your friends and family, leave the only place you have ever known, and end up a new and unfamiliar place where you know nobody and have to figure out a new way of life.

Something like this I believe, is one of the biggest factors of personal growth one could possibly undergo.

When we are in unfamiliar territory, our senses become heightened and we take in everything around us with much more depth to our perception.

This drastic change in environment opens up our senses and allows us to learn new things at a much faster rate.

We become highly attuned to our new environment and we are encouraged to explore this new place and figure out our own way.

Anytime we undergo a drastic change in our lives, it opens us up to new possibilities and our capacity to learn new things.

For some people, change is inevitably hard because we are creatures of habit.

Oftentimes our own ego gets in the way from us being able to learn because we tend to shy away from things that make us uncomfortable.

The real beauty in life lies on the other side of this discomfort.

Accepting these new challenges, facing adversity head-on, and getting comfortable with being uncomfortable will not only allow you to discover more about yourself, but open you up to discovering your lifes purpose along the way.

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