God Given Talents

God Given Talents

I don't know what your personal beliefs are, what your religious beliefs are, or if you are spiritual or not, but one thing I often think about is where God-given talent comes from.

I know you know what I am talking about - something that comes extremely natural and you can't even explain why, you just know it feels right.

There could be a million different reasons as to why this is, whether it be scientific or spiritual.

I have even had the thought that God-given talent could be a result of having past lives here on planet Earth.

Think about it, we obviously know that human consciousness is something more complicated beyond human understanding, but what if that consciousness, or "soul" if you will, is something that comes back here time and time again to learn new lessons about life.

Granted, I know there is a lot to unpack there but let's look at this a little bit closer.

There are some things in my life that I have noticed from the time I was a kid that I have been naturally good at - entertainment being the most prominent.

From the time I was a kid, I have always had a natural ability to entertain people, make people laugh, and do voices and impressions of famous movie and TV show characters.

Even when I moved out to Vegas and performed at Chippendales, being on stage and entertaining a crowd is something that felt incredibly natural to me even from my very first show.

This often makes me wonder if I had been an entertainer in a past life because I had no dancing ability, or any idea on how to entertain a crowd of people but I went out there and just started doing it.

Could it be from a past life experience or could it be that I had my sights set on being in Hollywood from the time I was a kid and my brain naturally knew what I had to do?

It is interesting when you think about it because then you can't help but beg the question where does consciousness actually come from?

It is also fair to say that I very well could have been a cowboy in a past life because working with horses is something that has come extremely naturally to me.

There is scientific reasoning to this because I knew when I first started working with horses that I was going to have to learn how they work and how to train them.

So, I began to learn how to train horses and started to apply what I have been learning and everything started to come to me quicker.

One thing about working with horses for me though is that it is the one thing I have ever done that has just felt completely right.

I can't explain the feeling, it is just something that I feel personally connected to as if I had done it before.

Obviously, I rode horses for a couple of years when I was a kid and it was one of the first things that I ever did that I actually enjoyed so it is no surprise that everything has come full circle as an adult.

I can't help but think that I could have been a cowboy in a past life because it is something that feels so familiar to me even though I can't pinpoint exactly why.

Maybe it could be a subconscious feeling of something I genuinely enjoyed as a child and picked up again later on in life.

Who knows?

The point that I am trying to make is that I believe everyone out there has a God-given talent - something that comes extremely natural to them that they are good at.

The problem I believe most people face, especially men, is that they don't go out to experience life to figure out what their God given talent actually is.

The human mind is easily programmable with everything that it consciously consumes and in a world that is designed for humans to consume everything, programming the human mind is easier today than ever before.

People feel like this is just the way things are instead of going out into the world and looking for answers.

Have you ever felt there was more to life than what you are currently experiencing and have experienced?

The only way you answer that question is by doing more shit.

You have to go out into the world and try new things, go to new places, and actually experience things that require you to have to use or develop some sort of skill-set.

Everyone has the ability to obtain an efficient skill-set that makes them incredibly valuable, but most people go their whole lives without ever figuring out what those skills are.

This is why a lot of times men today live without a purpose and just fall into an everyday routine of mediocrity - which, is honestly fine if that is what they personally consider to be a fulfilling life.

As long as you are fulfilled and can find true peace of mind in your life, it doesn't matter what you do or how you choose to live your life.

Most people are not at peace though...

You can ask almost anyone how their life is going and they are either a "mess" or they are unhappy.

Life is always going to be stressful, but it is one of those things where you need to ask yourself "am I fulfilled doing what I am doing in my life?"

You are always going to have to do things that you don't want to do because that is life, but are you truly content in who you are as a man or a woman?

If you genuinely feel there is more out there, then you would be right.

If you feel like you are struggling to find the right partner and you are not completely fulfilled where you live, it might be time for a change of scenery.

It is only through action and going out to do different things that you start unlocking the new levels to life.

Something as simple as changing your environment that aligns more with your values and who you are as a person is a simple solution.

Granted, it is difficult having to change everything that you are doing and have been used to doing, but it is the only way you actually change your current situation and find out who you are.

The amount of people that I know that live in Las Vegas who are struggling to find a suitable partner is astonishing.

Nobody feels they can find someone "normal" and just have a traditional man or woman and this is something that I sympathize with because I too felt the same way when I lived there.

But at the end of the day, you live in Vegas so what do you honestly expect?

People expect to find something genuine in a city that is fueled by disingenuous morality.

It's not to say it isn't possible, but energy is extremely magnetic and you attract what you put out into the universe.

If you feel like your spirit cannot flourish where you are at, your priorities are out of line.

Hardly anyone is going to want to look at you for being the real you in a city that runs off of getting and giving attention to as many people as humanly possible.

Unless you are at peace living where you're living, doing what you're doing, or dating who you are dating, your priorities are out of line.

What I mean is the reason why you are finding yourself in the same situation over and over again is because you are not physically doing anything to change it.

You must be willing to change your behavior, change your environment, do more shit and you begin to attract different things with different sets of circumstances into your life.

There are tons of people out there who are good people and can't find anything that genuinely fulfills them or find a good person to share their life with and to me the answer is simple - while it may seem to you that your intentions are pure, your intentions are not as pure as you think that they are.

Simply put, if everything is about "me, me, me" or "why can't I find anyone good for me? I am a good person" etc. it is because you have officially adopted the victim mindset and you are completely unaware of it.

Instead of having a productive mindset, one that is able to change their behavior and their circumstances to achieve different results and learn from their behaviors, you have adopted the victim mindset that often keeps throwing you back into the same continuous loop.

Regardless of what you have been telling yourself, until you genuinely begin to operate differently and start taking more productive action and behavior, you will continue in the same repetitive cycle you are in.

You have to go out and physically do more things to see what works for you and what doesn't - it is the only way one finds their purpose, or their partner, or a pathway to peace and fulfillment.

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