God Fearing Men

God Fearing Men

Today's post is going to be about something that I have recently discovered, and the importance of why this discovery is what it is.

While I understand not everyone is Christian, and not everyone believes in God, I think it is important to shed light on a certain kind of wisdom that has been given to us by something that is greater than human understanding.

Whether you believe in God or not, that is on you.

However, one thing that I can tell you is that having faith in something larger than yourself is the most sure path to fulfillment.

Before we dive into it, I want to share a little bit of background about myself and my newly found path of Christianity.

I spent many of my younger years as an atheist, even though I was raised Catholic.

I didn't believe in going to church, I didn't believe in things that sounded to "preachy", and I never paid any attention to the things that people had to say about God.

To me, it was just something that groups of people could try and ban together to purport their beliefs onto other people, much like how modern day social media works.

As I have gotten older and have experienced more of life, I have become much more spiritual.

I went from believing in no God, to now believing in something supernatural in nature because I have personally felt connected to it on many occasions.

For a few years, it was a matter of feeling more spiritual than being a recognized Christian.

I had many questions about the meaning of life and the things that I was experiencing, so I began searching for answers.

This is when I began immersing myself heavily into studying consciousness, human psychology, as well as trying to learn physics to try and make sense of how energy and the universe really works.

While I consider my genuine understanding of these topics to be baseline at the very best, it has helped me immensely in understanding human behavior, as well as learn how energy works.

Energy works through vibrations and frequencies - higher vibrations create higher frequencies, and lower vibrations create lower frequencies.

Once I began to understand there were levels to consciousness and levels to energetic frequency, I realized there was without question something larger than human understanding that made all of this possible.

As of recent, I began to study the Bible and to my surprise, many of the things that I have been thinking about for years are all found right there in the Scripture.

Everything that I have thought about from understanding what it means to find one's purpose in life, to how humans should behave towards one another, and how a man and woman should be together is all found in the Bible.

What reading the Bible has done for me is bring an immense amount of clarity on things I had baseline understanding of, as well as answer many of the questions I have been asking myself for years.

It took me awhile to realize it, but I eventually came to the conclusion that the Scripture is a guide for humans to live a life of fulfillment.

The reason why I wanted to share this story with you all is to talk about the main topic of today's post and that is what is considered to be a God fearing man.

As a man who is personally still discovering the true meaning of sacrificing oneself over to God, I can say with clarity that the sacrifice is worth it to find peace in your life.

A man that fears God is a man that doesn't stray far from Christ because as soon as he does, he loses his connection with the supernatural.

This means that a God fearing man is a man that has moral principles he lives by to serve God, and to serve others.

I realize that much of what I talk about here on the channel is rather practical because I know that people can relate to things that are practical - not everyone can relate to being Christian or believing in something larger than human understanding.

I realize that we all have the power to create our own lives and this is why I talk a lot about being able to find your true purpose in life.

What I have also discovered is that if you practice serving God and serving others, God will reveal your purpose to you.

This is also how I believe it is in relationships as well - a man that serves God and works on building himself for the benefit of serving others, will be presented with the woman that is best suited to serve with him.

It is particularly interesting that God will put obstacles in our way to see if we can handle the things we are asking for, and he rests the power in our hands to make what we can out of it.

For example, let's say you meet someone that takes your breath away - God will deliberately put this person in your path and give you the reins to see if you are capable of having it or not.

This doesn't go without mentioning that if we look back to things that we have written about previously when it comes to energy - you attract what you put out.

When a man is truly serving God, he will attract a woman that is willing too serve with him.

When a man is focused on building himself to become the strongest and most capable version of himself so that he can serve others, whether it be his wife or family, God will present him the the opportunity he is searching for.

When a man truly fears losing God, he will act in such a way that displays strong moral character, and a purpose of bringing value to others.

This is what it means when you hear people talk about God fearing men - they are men that walk with Christ and never stray off of Christ's path because they fear losing the path to God.

This is a path that I personally am still working to figure out for myself, but I can say that like anything else I work on myself for, I will continue to show up and do the work.

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