Getting The Best Out Of A Woman

Getting The Best Out Of A Woman

Getting the best out of a man is relatively simple. The problem is, most women genuinely don't know how men think - the same goes for most men not knowing how women think.

Men are simple - we need to feel respected by those around us, and we have to have a genuine purpose in life that drives us to become capable.

Men without purpose aren't confident men.

Men without purpose are lazy men.

Men without purpose are weak men.

If a man does what he is supposed to do, he is able to endure pain, and he is able to do things out of love for those that he cares for, he becomes a respected man.

It is not hard to make a man feel respected, and it is not hard to make him look good. Simply put, if your man doesn't want you being promiscuous and getting attention from other men, whether it's online or in public, then not being promiscuous shouldn't be a problem.

Many people view this as men being "insecure", when it isn't. What people don't realize is that a man that allows his woman to be promiscuous or get attention from other men, often isn't respected by his woman or his peers. Just because he doesn't want his woman deliberately out there trying to bait other men, doesn't make him insecure - it makes him a man.

Men don't respect other men that allow their women to be promiscuous. This is an important point because men want to be respected by other men. Men inherently want the girl that everyone wants but no other man can have. Why? Because it makes him look good!

It makes a man look good when he is with a woman that is professional, a good care giver, and isn't deliberately trying to get attention from other men.

This all doesn't go without saying that a man must first prove that he is capable at being a man. That he is confident, capable of going through pain, and is self-driven to do what he needs to do to protect the ones that he loves. Only then, will he be able to find a woman that truly protects his spirit.

Men are simple - if you tell a man that you love him, you will be loyal to him, and there is no other man on the planet that works harder than him, then he will feel respected by you and will give you his best. But as I said, he must first be self-driven to get there. You can't sit there and be his sole source of motivation otherwise, he will never get anything done and you will end up wasting your time. He has to want to be great and he has to have pure intentions for his greatness.

Now, to get the best out of a woman...

It is no secret that we live in an attention economy and women get more attention now than they ever have in any period of human history. As a result, there are many women that have become entitled because of receiving attention, even when they have nothing to truly offer a man.

The truth is, women need to work just as hard as men do to become a reliable counterpart for a respectable man. We have different roles and different duties, so a woman's focus needs to be clear as to what she needs to work for.

A woman must be able to earn a real man's trust and respect - that takes work. You don't simply gain a man's trust by being pretty, regardless of how much money he has.

When it comes to being a respectable woman, it takes work - much like it does for a man.

One thing that people need to become aware of is that men are more interested in a woman's past, and women are more interested in a man's future. Simply put, men want to know the level of trauma a woman has been through to see if she is a suitable partner, and women want to know where a man is going in life to see if he will potentially be capable of caring for her.

While a woman's past isn't everything, it can play a big role in her level of self-respect and how she operates in relationships in her future. This is why highly promiscuous women, aren't truly desired by real men in terms of being in a relationship - they can't be taken seriously if they don't take themselves seriously.

To get the best out of a woman, she must first have a baseline of self-respect. This means not going out and getting ran through by 50+ men. It means she has respect for herself and what values she genuinely brings. A woman must have self-respect if she plans on ever getting genuine respect from anyone else - the same goes for men as well.

This is an important point to note when talking about a woman's past. If she has been with a bunch of men in her past, that means all of those other men saw her for nothing more than that. So, why should I believe she has anything different to offer me?

All that says to me is a lack of self-respect, and a lack of self-confidence. Which also tells me that she has been let down by men in her past. She has no idea what it is like to be loved and treated by a real man.

I have personally experienced what it is like being with women with zero self-respect, and women with all of the self-respect. There is no comparison in terms of the value they bring to a man. Women with self-respect show up for their man every day in every way possible because he is THE man in her eyes.

As a man, it is important to become a man that is capable, and be able to establish boundaries and communication early on with a new partner - what you are willing and not willing to accept.

I believe one of the best ways for a man to get the best out of a woman is by becoming a man that is respected, and a man that is desired by other women. What I mean by this is, becoming a man that other women naturally want - a man with options.

Most men today either settle for what they can get, or have no options at all because they lack self-confidence.

I would say that a man that has all of the options and still chooses to come home to his woman because she is the woman that he needs, will bring the best out of a woman.

I am not saying to be a man who has options and act like you have options, but if both you and her know that other women want you and can't have you because you choose her everyday, it will naturally give her that sense of security.

As I have said before, every man should commit to only one woman because it is not only a commitment to her, but to himself.

If you show up and prove to your woman everyday that you are the man that you say that you are, and you do the things that you need to do to protect her, you will get the best out of her.

She must be able to respect your boundaries and your values as a man, but you need to be able to do your part as the man and show up for her everyday, make her feel wanted, fix the broken shit around the house, open the car door for her, etc.

Be a source of positivity for her, for she will bring you strength.

Be a man worth respecting if you ever truly plan on getting the best out of a woman and having her show up for you everyday.

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