Getting Clear On Your Vision

Getting Clear On Your Vision

Every manifestation on the planet has always started with a vision in mind first.

What I mean by vision is being able to picture exactly what you want your life to look like in your minds eye.

Think of your vision as a blue print - it gives you the an idea what the final product should look like, without putting any of the pieces together yet.

The point of having a vision is to give you something to work towards.

Arnold Schwarzenegger talks in his new book, Be Useful about the visions he created in his own mind that led to all of his successes in life.

Arnold recalls an encounter of a vision he had when he first began bodybuilding, standing on stage, winning the Mr. Olympia competition, with thousands of people chanting his name from the crowd.

Safe to say, Arnold is no stranger to success because he won the Mr. Olympia title 7 times, as well as many other achievements.

But when it comes to having a vision, it is only considered a fairy tale until one begins to take action towards achieving the vision in their mind.

The ability to envision a desired outcome and truly believe it is attainable, will spark one's creative mind into looking for ways to achieve it.

What is most important to understand is that action MUST be taken.

This means trying new things, going new places, learning new things, and developing new skills.

The reason why I am such a big believer in having a vision is because it gives you a purpose.

Having a vision gives you something to get up everyday and work towards because you know whatever your vision entails is what you want the most.

I personally have always been more of a creative mind who has been picturing in my mind what I want my life to look like from the time I was a boy.

Most days, I will get lost in deep thought, thinking about exactly how I want my life to look like.

What I have learned is that life is going to take its course and if you are driven to achieve, you will learn a tremendous amount about yourself, and your capabilities in the process.

Once you climb one mountain, you realize there is another mountain that is even bigger than the one before that - this process continues to repeat itself the more you learn.

I think having a vision is extremely important in today's day in age because most people are not willing to work for anything.

Most people want everything handed to them on a silver platter and genuinely believe in their own minds that they are worth having everything made easy.

The problem with this is that these kinds of people typically end up living the hardest lives.

Not hard in the sense that they are doing hard things, but hard in the sense that they are never truly happy because they deliberately choose the path of least resistance.

The fulfillment in life comes from working towards something and eventually getting to the end result.

While the path on the way there will take a million detours, it is the thrill of knowing exactly where you want to go and know that nothing is stopping you from getting there.

The best part about a vision is that you can envision just about anything you want to have in your life.

If you envision yourself living on a 200 acre ranch, you can have that if you are willing to work hard for it.

If you envision having a loving relationship, you can have that too if you are willing to work for it.

In both of these cases, the one envisioning the desired outcome must understand that it starts with themselves first.

If you are a man that envisions having a loyal and loving wife that respects you, then you must first learn to work on building yourself into a man that is worthy of that kind of loyalty, love, and respect.

If you are a woman that wants a loyal and loving husband that protects and provides for you, then you need to work on building yourself into a soft, feminine woman that is capable of being with that kind of man.

The point that I am trying to make is that you must be clear in your vision because the more clear it is, the more it will make sense as to which path you should take to achieve the desired outcome.

The problem that most people have today is that they think they know what they want, and think that continuing to do what they are doing will eventually get them to their desired outcome.

This is not how this works.

If you cannot find what you are looking for and your proven failed methods continue to fail, then you must be willing to change your behavior and change what you're doing to find a more optimal form of operation.

If you cannot change your behavior and change the things you are doing, then you will never learn, and will always fail to take accountability for your own behavior.

Good men and women do not accept partners that lack self-accountability.

You must be able to look at yourself in the mirror and realize that you are to blame for not having the things that you want in life.

Finding a good woman takes time and this is something that I have learned through the course of my life.

If I were to sit there and blame others for bad past relationships, I would never be able to find a good woman.

I must be willing to accept that I am the one to blame for every bad situation that I have found myself in because I have full control over my own decisions.

The only option I have as a man is to become the best version of myself so that the right woman will know instinctively that her life is in the best hands possible.

If you are a man and your vision is to have a wife, then you must be clear in what you are asking for because what you are asking for is hard work for the rest of your life.

Not even necessarily working to be with the right woman, but working on yourself to always be the best man for her.

If you are a woman and your vision is to be married and have kids, then you must get clear in what you are asking for and figure out what it takes to be a wife, and a mother.

Good men and women still exist, but they are hiding in the shadows.

If you cannot get clear on what you need to do to find the person you are looking for, then you will suffer the consequences.


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