Fulfillment In A Nutshell

Fulfillment In A Nutshell

One question that I am often asked is "Pat, how do you from performing in a live male revue show in Las Vegas to working with horses?"

I have revealed my answer to this question in the earlier blogs on this channel, but I will revisit it once more; the reason why I work with horses is because it brings me true fulfillment in life.

When I moved out to Las Vegas, I had a goal, and that goal was to get into live entertainment so that I could build a resume and eventually take on Hollywood.

For those who don't know, entertainment has always been something that has come very natural to me.

Whenever the spotlight or the camera is on, the ability to play a role has been something that has come very natural to me.

After years of being in live entertainment, I realized that the life wasn't truly fulfilling because I wasn't being looked at or appreciated for who I am.

There was no true authenticity in the world of show business, unless you are doing some form of stand-up comedy.

I played a role, fulfilled that role, and provided a fantasy on a nightly basis.

I realized that there was more to life than pretending to be someone I wasn't and that is how I want to be remembered - for being me.

A life of doing hard work and working with other living things that God gifted us with was calling me.

I have talked about fulfillment in many previous blog posts, but today I want to talk about it specifically.

When I think of being truly fulfilled in life, I think of peace.

True fulfillment to me is being able to be at peace, whether it is in your personal life or your professional life.

Sure, there is always going to be stressful situations in whatever you do, but the thing that wakes you up everyday to accomplish something is true fulfillment.

The reward and satisfaction of accomplishing something hard is fulfillment to its core.

There are many people out there that may feel lost, like they do not know which way to turn to have the life that they want.

I am here to tell you that it doesn't have to be that way forever.

In order to find what truly fulfills you, you have to go out and experience life.

See what else is out there, meet new people, and try and learn something new every single day if you want to find the path to fulfillment.

You will have to make sacrifices along the way, as making sacrifices is just a part of life.

With that being said, being able to sacrifice something that satisfies a short term desire will be well worth it for the long term reward.

Fulfillment doesn't have to be super complicated, if anything, it as actually super easy.

The challenges we face along the way make doing anything seem hard in the moment, until you look back at where you were and see where you are now.

This doesn't go without mentioning that if you truly wish to find fulfillment in life, you have to be able to figure out how to serve others - serve your family, serve your community, and serve God.

The more we serve others, the more we pay our dues to our spirit within.

Once I decided that working with horses was going to be what I am going to do the rest of my life, I realized that I was serving my spirit by serving other living creatures.

The entire reasoning behind this brand and writing daily content, while it might not be for many people yet, is to serve you, the reader.

Some people are truly just looking for guidance and looking for answers.

The answers are out there if you are willing to do your due diligence and pay attention to what is going on around you, as well as within you.

I truly believe anyone is able to find fulfillment in life, if you are willing to make sacrifices, learn to serve, and work hard towards achieving whatever it is you want out of life.

God gave us the most valuable asset out of any other living species on the planet - the power of critical thought.

Pay attention, learn some new shit, experience what else life has to offer, and fulfillment will be waiting for you on the other side.

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