Forget About The Past

Forget About The Past

If there is one thing that everyone can collectively agree on is that no matter what you do, you cannot change the past.

You can’t change your own past, and you can’t change the past of others.

When it comes to our past, our experiences and things that we have been through are things that we feel emotionally tied to.

Whether it is people from our past or some event that created a lasting impression, the feelings and emotions created by these people and events become harder for us to move past.

Heartbreak is a prime example of an event that is hard to move past because of somebody leaving a lasting impression on you and your life.

While this said person may not be a part of your life anymore, we cant help but think about all of good times we had with this person because we were emotionally and physically tethered to them at one point.

After experiencing something like heartbreak, while the person may not be a part of our lives anymore, we remain emotionally tethered to them.

Thoughts and feelings are more complicated than we like to think, even though they both go hand-in-hand with one another.

We will think certain thoughts based off of certain feelings that we have in the moment.

Have you ever noticed that when you are in a place of peace and calm, the thoughts of gratitude and love become harder to hold on to?

We feel moments of peace and gratitude, but they often seem like they aren’t sticking around as long as we would like them to.

However, when we are in a place of pain it seems as though we become trapped in a loop of negative thoughts and these thoughts often repeating themselves over and over again?

We experience this pain by holding on too much to what we had in our past.

The feelings of sadness and despair creep in when you think about what life could have been like if you never met that person or that particular thing didn’t happen to you.

Then you get stuck replaying the same moments over and over again in your mind, wishing for different outcomes.

This is naturally how the human brain processes emotions, and if we never truly learn how to process these emotions, then we become a victim to our own thoughts and feelings.

Life only goes in one direction - forward.

The more you sit and dwell on what you think should have happened, the more you are going to find yourself becoming your own worst enemy.

Understand that whatever happened in the past needed to happen, even if it doesn’t make sense to you in the present.

While this is much easier said than done, only time will tell you why what happened in your past needed to happen if you make the conscious effort to live for your future self.

Focus on the here and now and creating the version of you that you want to see in the future.

Forget about the past, live for the future, and be in the present.

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