Where Focus Goes, Energy Flows

Where Focus Goes, Energy Flows

I am a firm believer in energy and being able to manipulate the energy around you to create your own reality.

We are created by the very atoms that surround us of every second of every day.

To me, it would be foolish to think that energy didn't exist and that the source of energy that created us was coming from something of lesser existentialism.

Everything came from somewhere and the same elements that created our Sun, created everything else around us.

Our ability to be conscious beings means that we have the conscious ability to manipulate the energy around us to create our own reality. In other words, we choose how we see the world and we choose how we operate within the world.

Humans have been gifted the ability of thought and conscious awareness and I believe they are true gifts from God.

The power of thought is an interesting concept, simply for the sheer fact that nobody truly knows where thought comes from.

Sure, we could make arguments about past experiences and their effects on the brain and whatnot, but all-in-all, the concept of thought is a total mystery - especially creative thought.

I truly believe that creative thought is what makes the power of thought a true gift from God.

I believe that creative energy is drawn from a source larger than man because it is something that cannot be explained.

All of the worlds greatest creative minds will tell you the same thing - their ideas just come to them.

There is a psychological component involved because ones thoughts and what they focus on become their reality.

If my primary focus is to become a musician and a songwriter, then my brain will naturally start thinking more like a songwriter because that is where my focus is.

I personally have experienced this many times in my life as an entertainer and even now as a horse trainer.

I have always been a creative, ever since I was a kid - from creating my own comedy sketches to visualizing exactly how I want my life to look.

I know the thoughts that I have come from somewhere.

I know that being able to paint these elegant pictures in my mind of how I want my life to look comes from somewhere unknown to man.

Thinking creatively has always been my escape from reality because it is the one place where I can create my own. However, the older I get, the more I understand that creative thinkers create their own reality in their mind and have that reality come to fruition.

I believe that manifestation is real through deep focus and belief, as well as a burning desire to work at creating your own thoughts into a reality.

Focus is the single most important factor.

Strong focus towards something is what allows the driver of this meat suit we call the human body to take action towards whatever it is focused on.

This does not go without mentioning that mental clarity also plays a big role.

It is easy for people today to get caught up in the outside noise that they completely lack the ability to think with a clear mind about what they want from their lives.

Where focus goes, energy flows.

If your focus is to go to college, get a degree, and work a 9-5 so that you can be an average member to society, then that is what your reality will become.

If your focus is to live a more calm and peaceful life outside of the chaos that is the outside world, that is what your reality will become.

To me, the ultimate goal in life is to obtain peace.

I don't think life as a man is supposed to be him feeling happy all the time, but more-so having peace of mind.

Peace of mind knowing that when he comes home after a long day that he comes home to a family that respects him.

Peace of mind knowing that he is capable of being able to handle stress and continue on with his mission.

One truly becomes what they choose to value in life.

If you focus on the things that you value, you become more of those things.

If you value short-term gratification, you will be one that focuses on seeking out pleasure for the rest of your life.

If you value things of genuine substance, you will be more focused on things that bring you fulfillment.

Focus is extremely important in anything that you do, which is why when paired with good intention, you will begin to find peace.

What you focus on is who you become and this is why I believe having a clear state of mind is the only way that one truly focuses on things that bring genuine fulfillment.

What you put out into the universe is what you attract and it is imperative that one focuses on the things that they value the most because it is our values that make us who we are.

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