Fear of Death

Fear of Death

One thing that is absolutely certain for all living things on earth is that our biological clock will eventually stop.

The only thing that is truly certain about life is that it must come to an end.

Most people don't ever think about the day that their time comes to an end.

In fact, most people fear the thought all together.

Nobody ever truly wants to think about something as feared as death because for most, it's sad, its depressing, and also morbid.

The question then becomes: why should we?

Life is beautiful, it is to be cherished and celebrated.

Even though much of the human experience is unpleasant for most, why would anyone want to think about it coming to an end?

I have pondered with this thought for quite some time, thinking about what would happen when my biological clock finally stops ticking.

What I have come to realize is that fearing something that is certain to happen at some point isn't worth stressing over.

I have learned to accept that my time will eventually come, whenever that day may be.

Having come to this realization, I have taken more action in doing the things that I am passionate about in life.

When my time comes, I want to know that I left nothing on the table and that I got to live my life exactly how I wanted.

The thing with fear is that is minimizes ones ability to take risks, and oftentimes, the most beautiful things about life come from taking risks.

If there is no risk, there is no reward.

I realize as a horse trainer that anything could happen on any given day and that there will always be risk involved, but it doesn't stop me from doing what I love.

When it's what you truly love to do, nothing will stop you from doing it.

This is where true fulfillment comes in life.

It comes from having a purpose fueled by passion towards something greater.

If nothing is going to stop you from doing it, then you know you have found what it is you're passionate about.

I oftentimes feel like the reason why many never find their purpose in life is due to not taking the risk.

It's fear that kills people before they ever get a chance to live.

Should you fear death?

One could argue that there really is no point in fearing something that is a natural consequence of life.

Of course, this doesn't justify the loss of a loved one, but as for ourselves, life is meant to be lived by a means of purpose and fulfillment, whatever that looks like to you.

When the time comes, you want people to remember you for being your truest authentic self.

When the time comes, you want to know that you yourself left absolutely nothing on the table and that you got the absolute most out of life that you could.

The human experience is short-lived, so why not make the absolute best out of it with what little time we have?

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