Everything Comes With A Price

Everything Comes With A Price

Think of what life would be like if you were living in your dream house, driving your dream car everywhere, and having the family you have always wanted.

All of these things come with a price tag - the car, the house, and even supporting a family all comes with a physical price tag.

But when it comes to having the things that we truly want in life, there is an underlying price beneath the physical price tag, and that price comes in the form of sacrifice.

Anything worth having in life is going to require some sort of sacrifice.

If the house and the car is something that you truly want, then sacrifice comes in the form of putting in the extra hours to build a life that will allow you to have those things.

Even the family you have always wanted comes with a sacrifice by putting your short term wants and desires to the side as a price for building something long term.

When it comes to building oneself, sacrifice is always the price to be paid.

Time, energy, and conscious efforts towards the things that we want are all things that take consistent practice.

It is much more than saying you want something and feeling like you deserve it because you want it.

If you want something you have yet to receive and you are taking no conscious action towards pursuit of that thing, then you will always find yourself coming up short of achieving it.

If we are not willing to sacrifice things right here right now for the long term benefit of our current actions, then the things we truly want will always remain out of reach.

Whether it is financial security or having a long term trusting and loyal partner to share your life with, all things are effected by our present actions.

We can't honestly expect to have long term financial security if we are not devising and executing a plan to make that happen.

The same way we cannot expect to find a genuine trusting and loyal partner to share our lives with if we are constantly seeking validation from others.

The problem we run into in the modern world is that we have been bred to constantly seek out the immediate gratification in everything.

With the rapid advancement in modern technology, all things have been made significantly more convenient, causing us to constantly pursue the easy fix.

We think less when we have technology to do our thinking for us.

We lose the ability to problem solve when all problems can be resolved with the click of a button.

We lose sight of working towards long term achievements when everything is made so convenient and accessible.

We must learn how to co-exist with modern technology.

In other words, we must be able to find our purpose and consciously pursue our long term vision even in the midst of technological advancement.

We need to figure out what is actually important to us and pursue those things accordingly.

While sacrifice may be the price to be paid in the short term, the reward is a long term life of peace and fulfillment.

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