Don't Chase Women

Don't Chase Women

Yesterday, I wrote about the importance of building confidence as a man.

Today, I want to continue to build off of the idea of being a confident man when it comes to women.

As I stated previously, women naturally gravitate towards confident men because it gives them a sense of security and safety. Men that walk with confidence, have a presence that they bring with them when they walk into a room, and women can sniff them out.

But how can a man get there? How can a man truly become confident around women?

The first thing that a man can do to build his confidence with not just women, but with anything, and that is to get into the gym and get into good shape.

I would say that 85% of my self-confidence was earned in the gym. I have pushed myself through enough pain mentally and physically and it is something that I continue to do because I enjoy the feeling of going through pain to become stronger - this is the foundation of confidence.

Women take notice of men in good physical shape because it is programmed in their DNA to seek out a strong male figure to protect them and provide for them.

Now, I am not talking about becoming Mr. Olympia, getting stupid jacked and taking a bunch of steroids to look cool for Instagram because believe me, I've been there - women definitely don't like juice monkey's. I am talking about being in good physical shape - being active, maintaining a low body fat, eating to fuel your body, and equipping yourself with the tools needed to be a protector.

As a man, you want to have a presence when you walk into a room. You want people to take notice because you carry a strong energy with you wherever you go. Women will take notice, and men will take notice because men respect other men for working hard. Being in good physical shape will gain you a lot of respect by other men because you are physically walking around with hard work speaking for itself.

The second thing a man needs to do is to stop chasing women.

When a woman receives a lot of attention from men, whether it be in person or online, they feel entitled for a man to chase them or be obsessed with them. After-all, it is what they are used to receiving on a frequent basis.

The worst possible thing a man can do is chase a woman. When you spend time chasing after someone who genuinely doesn't care about you, you are taking away time from becoming a stronger version of yourself.

While I would argue that most independent women today would be better off with a more passive male, women inherently want to feel protected, which they aren't going to get from a passive man or a simp.

The woman you want, wants to be with THE man. So, instead of wasting your time trying to chase her and simp over her, spend your time building yourself into becoming THE man and she will end up chasing after you.

There is a major difference between making a woman feel wanted and chasing after her.

Making a woman feel wanted is exactly what it sounds like - pursuing her everyday, even after you have her. If a woman brings genuine value to your life and brings you peace, then it is your job to pursue her and make her feel wanted every single day.

If a woman makes you feel like you are just an option, then you are WASTING your time. Spending any time pursuing a woman that just wants your attention even though she is getting attention from other men whenever she wants, is a waste of your time - stop being a simp!

I am at a point in my life where I refuse to compete for a woman's attention. While I will admit the world is a competitive place and the female marketplace is hyper competitive for men - the worst thing a man can do is compete for a woman's attention.

As I've stated previously, one of the most attractive qualities a female can possess is exclusivity. If a woman is trying to get attention from other men and just make you an option, why fight a battle you are never going to win?

The best thing a man can do is work every single day to become the strongest version of himself. If a man does what he is supposed to do and fulfills his duties, he will naturally attract and pursue the right woman that will protect his peace and his spirit.

The universe is extremely giving for those with good intentions and are willing to work for things.

I have always believed that one needs to work to earn things if they wish to be successful. Whether it's pursuing the person you want to spend the rest of your life with, the body you have always wanted, or the life you have always dreamed of living.

If you work hard and become the best possible version of yourself, then there is no reason why you can't be with the person you have always wanted.

As a man, it is our duty to make sure the woman we decide to be with, feels wanted every single day. If she brings you genuine peace, then there is no reason why you can't pursue her everyday. She deserves to feel wanted and feel protected by a confident man who is built for battle.

Luckily for me, I have lived my life and I have personally experienced what it is like to chase women and make a woman feel wanted.

Making a woman who brings you peace feel wanted, genuinely feels good as a man. Knowing that a woman accepts you for being who you are, looks up to you, and relies on you for guidance and safety is a great satisfaction. Making sure that there is no way that she can lose in anything she does in life is our duty.

On the other hand, chasing women who make you an option will leave a man heartbroken and resentful. It takes focus away from the things that matter. The woman that makes you an option will never bring you peace.

It is not hard to recognize pure intentions. The world and people's perception of it have skewed reality for a majority of individuals.

For the ladies - it is not hard to pick out a confident man. It is not hard to pick out a man who is committed to becoming the best version of himself in everything that he does. Sure, there are less of them in today's day-in-age, but they are not hard to distinguish.

Become a respectable and confident man.

Become a man of commitment who does what he says and says what he does.

Take care of your woman, make her feel wanted, and protect her physically and emotionally, for she will give you the ultimate source of strength.

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