Don’t Wait For The Right Time

Don’t Wait For The Right Time

The concept of time can get very distorted by the human psyche.

It is natural for humans to feel like we are running out of time or that our time may never truly come.

Our time to shine can feel like it is waiting on our doorstep, awaiting to be siezed.

Time is linear and only moves in one direction.

We don’t get any younger, we just get older.

At moments, we feel as though time is flying by and at others, we feel as though time is standing still.

As we age, we look back on our lives and often wonder where the time went.

The adverse is also true in that when we are percieving moments of anxiety, it feels as though time is standing still and we are never going to get out of it.

When it comes to taking control over your life, it is important to note that time is never truly slowing down because of the fact that it only moves in one direction.

Sure, we could argue that time in space goes by much faster than it does on earth because objects of mass distort time in space.

But for the sake of this argument, when it comes to human life, time moves in a linear fashion.

There are no time machines to take us back or forward in time.

If there was, we would all be successful in our own right because of our ability to travel into the future and see the state of the world, as well as what our lives would look like.

If we knew what our future was going to hold, we would be able to take the necessary action in the present moment to guarantee our success in the future.

While there are no time machines and nothing is fully 100% certain in life, the actions you are taking or not taking right now will have an effect on your future.

By taking necessary action in the present, you better increase your chances for success in the future.

By doing all of the little things right, the long term payoff will be worth it.

You have heard me say before that life is about leverage and taking the best possible course of action to leverage yourself to project yourself onto a path of success.

If we spend our time here in the present focusing on gaining small wins everyday, the small wins will compound into a larger win over a long enough time frame.

Don’t wait for the right time for something good to eventually happen to you, because you just might end up watching time pass you by without ever achieving your desired outcome.

This requires a degree of patience and calmness throughout the process.

If we dont stay patient or calm, anxiety will take over and we will be left with the coulda, shoulda, woulda’s later in life.

If you leave everything on the table, you can have anything you want - I truly believe this.

When I am 80 years old and I am on my death bed, I want to be able to look back on my life and realize that I had no regrets - I left it all on the table.

If you wait for the right time to do something, you diminish your chances of finding what you are looking for.

Take necessary action towards pursuing what you want in life because that will be the long term difference maker for desired outcomes.

Take each day as it comes, find moments in the present to be grateful for, and have a clear projected focus on where you wish for your life to be some day in the future.

Don’t let fear and anxiety second guess your abilities because both will chew you up and spit you out.

We find the moments worth living for by taking action, not waiting for the right time to get something.

The concept of waiting for the right time will only breed entitlement on your behalf, making you feel like you deserve something you did not work for.

We can overcome this entitlement and the anxiety that comes with it by constantly pursuing something greater.

When you find your true purpose in life, your future begins to become much more realistic.

Your focus becomes clear, creativity flows, and your imagination will lead you down the path of fulfillment.

Remember, God is always watching and he will reward you in the end when He see’s that you refuse to give up on making something happen.

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