Do Women Deserve Less?

Do Women Deserve Less?

One thing I find particularly interesting about modern culture and content that I see online is the amount of men out there that have opinions on women.

I think it is extremely important for these conversations to be had because it will actually make the viewer think about things from different perspectives.

In fact, the entire reason why I write these blog posts is to get the reader to think about things. You may not agree with everything that I have to say and that is okay - I like for people to challenge my opinions because it opens the floor up for discussion and a possibility to learn something new.

One thing I will say, is that I genuinely believe there are a lot of men out there with opinions on women that still have no idea how women actually work and how they think.

Through my experience, I have had thousands of interactions and conversations with women from all over the world, from all different walks of life and what I can conclude is that women are not as complicated as most men put them out to be. Simply put, women just want to feel good at the end of the day - about themselves, about their man, about their life.

While it may be true that women are emotional creatures and emotions can get complicated at times, there is a psychological component that most people don't take into account when it comes to women.

Much of the psychological side of how women think and behave is from her past experiences in life, especially trauma.

Trauma plays an interesting effect on the brain because trauma creates an emotional response in real time and that emotional response lives in the subconscious part of the mind. In simple terms, subconscious thoughts and emotions effect real time behavior.

Every time something with similar outcome to the original trauma response happens, it triggers that same emotional response in their brain and this is typically how people, especially women, develop insecurities.

This is often why when a woman has done nothing but be let down by men, she only acts out of her own insecurities - she becomes erratic, chaotic, overly-emotional, etc.

Oftentimes you hear people throw around the term "daddy issues" when it comes to women being overly promiscuous or independent. The absence of emotional support from a father plays a subconscious effect on her seek of approval from men.

Eventually, she will end up in a cycle of dating and only attracting losers because she was let down by a man from the very beginning.

This is the complex side of women that most don't ever take into account. The reason why they are more complex than men is simply because they are emotional beings - they are more sensitive to their feelings than men typically are.

Once someone has practiced self-mastery to face their own insecurities, only then will this actually start to make sense.

Many times when women get into one relationship after another, after another, after another, etc. she ends up taking all of her past experiences and traumas into her next relationship. This is why self-reflection and self-accountability is so important because if you don't have the ability to self-reflect and hold yourself accountable, you will continue to fall victim to your own insecurities over and over again.

This is what the rich men of the world don't understand about women and most of the time, it is the rich men that end up contributing the most to the newly-found entitlement culture that women find themselves in.

I have said it in previous blogs that it doesn't matter if it is the rich billionaire or the poor man at home subscribing to her OnlyFans, the end result is exactly the same - she becomes entitled because she has been made to believe that she actually deserves it.

This plays the same effect on a woman's brain that trauma does because it triggers an emotional response. She now starts to think and believe that she deserves the high life because one rich idiot bought her some shit because she was pretty - until he decides to go do that with the next one, and the next one, and the next one, etc. You can see where I am going with this...

This is exactly how entitlement is bred. On top of the fact that there are poor men at home fantasizing about pictures on a phone screen - showing her all of the love and support for providing absolutely zero value other than triggering a short-term attraction response.

When women only base their value off of their looks, they become more insecure because they have been programmed to think that being pretty brings them money, attention, and security.

Until one day she wakes up and realizes that she is getting older, looks fade, and she is left with nothing of actual genuine substance.

So, when I hear statements like "women deserve less", two thoughts come to my mind: one - either the person saying doesn't know what it is like to be a real man, or two - they don't understand how women actually think and operate.

A big problem that a lot of men think today is that if they make a bunch of money, they can then begin to justify their own degenerate behavior because they earned it, which is true to an extent.

I respect any man that hustles and does what he needs to do to make something of himself - this is a respectable quality that most men today need to learn, including myself. This is something that is earned.

But the problem is, money alone will not buy respect, especially from a woman.

While it may temporarily buy "respect" from a woman because she feels financially secure, if a man still doesn't give her the attention she needs, she will end up seeking it out by another man.

While money buys freedom, it does not buy you the freedom to cheat as a man. If you cheat, she will eventually end up doing the same thing and no amount of designer shit and private flights are going to save her from that.

She will choose to be with a man like me every time if you cannot simply give her the attention she needs - I have seen it far too many times.

Women don't deserve less, they deserve the world if they prove to you that they are the right woman and you both work hard to earn each others respect from the beginning.

This means that you must be a man from the beginning - establish your boundaries from the time you decide you want to give this woman your time.

"This is who I am, this is what my life is like, this is where I am going - you can either be a part of it and we add to each other, or we don't bother wasting each others time."

A mans time is his most valuable asset until he meets the right woman. I say this because it is extremely important for a man to recognize who is worth his time and who isn't.

If a man would rather fly around the world with a bunch of hoes and have yacht parties, I would argue that his time really isn't as valuable as he says it is.

The truth is, the woman a man chooses to be with says everything you need to know about him.

If all he does is waste his time on hoes and paid vacations, he is telling you what kind of man he is - a man incapable of genuine commitment.

It is often said that how a man does one thing is how he does all things.

If a man is constantly out cheating on his wife, why would anyone choose to do business with him? If he can go out and cheat on the woman that genuinely supports him, who is to say he doesn't cheat in business?

You see, when a man chooses to only commit to things that are convenient for him, he is no real man.

Real men commit to all things because it is their duty to become the best version of themselves and become a men of actual value for the benefit of everybody around them.

Being a man and having standards with who you choose to allocate your time with will be the only way to get modern day women to act right. If a woman truly wants to be with you and knows that she must change her attitude in order to get your attention, I believe on a large enough scale that it can happen.

What I mean is, all men must raise their standards and live up to their own standards if we ever expect women to be able to raise and live up to theirs. This means working hard to become strong in all aspects of your life and being extremely selective with who you choose to allocate your time to.

Just because a girl is pretty, doesn't mean she is worth your time. She must first earn it the same way a woman with genuine self-respect will make you earn her.

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