Do Men Prefer Younger Women?

Do Men Prefer Younger Women?

The constant battle for youth is captivating the minds of consumer's in the world today.

Between men trying to figure out science to help them live longer, or women trying to make themselves physically look younger to compete with the younger generation, it is clear that people aren't getting the full human experience during their lifetime.

I have never believed humans to be a lasting species, simply because we consume and destroy everything that we come in contact with. With that being said, it is undeniable that man has created some fascinating things during the lifetime of humans.

To think that we were once primates, hunting for our food, to now living in cities built by man is admirable.

Now, before I turn hippie and go too deep into the rabbit hole, let's talk about the real meaning behind this blog - do men actually prefer younger women?

While it may be a controversial conversation, I believe there are truths behind it, but there is also a level to the conversation that no one really ever talks about.

In today's world, young beautiful women are at the top of the attention ladder. Men are competing for the young woman's attention and older women are competing with younger women for that attention.

Why is youth valuable?

Youth is very different for men than it is for women.

For men, they have to build their value through years of hard work to become someone worthy of attention. Whereas for women, their value is given simply by being young and beautiful - the world is their oyster and they can be given any life that they choose just for having an Instagram account.

As we have talked about in previous blogs, female beauty is the most valued commodity on the entire planet. A woman can be beautiful and instantly have tons of men competing for their attention, especially now in the digital era with women being so easily accessible to men online.

While it may be seen as such, I believe that women being "born" with their value simply by being young and beautiful isn't entirely true. I believe there are things that women have to do to build their value the same way that men do.

It is true that younger women have less life experience and most of the time have been through less trauma, and less drama with other men. Most women carry their past relationship drama to newer relationships and this can cause problems for men when it comes to trying to build something new with someone. With that being said, men do the same thing if they fail to analyze what they did wrong in past relationships and this is just something that takes time - it is the nature of heartbreak.

So, women that have been heartbroken less times and have less life experience, are desirable qualities for men.

Men take joy in being able to show women things and give them new life experiences.

When a woman gets attention from the highest earners on the planet, she is now able to experience things that the common man has absolutely no chance in being able to compete against.

I also believe that the reason men like the idea of younger women is to make themselves feel younger - to make themselves feel better about the fact that they are in fact, getting older.

The idea of chasing youth is more prevalent in today's culture.

I also believe the idea of chasing youth is due to one's own insecurity. Simply put, women chase youth because they are insecure about the fact they are getting older, and men chase youth because they are insecure in their ability to commit to a woman that brings them peace, regardless of her age.

As I stated above, I believe that a woman has value that she naturally brings to the table and there is value to be earned.

Just because a woman has been through more heartbreak or more life experiences, doesn't make her invaluable.

In my personal experience, age is just a number. I have dated women older than me, and I have dated women younger than me.

As I said, there are truths to the fact that younger women have seen less and experienced less, whereas older women have seen more and been through more.

But where I think people go wrong in this argument is people are failing to identify one's maturity level. Just because a woman has been through more in life, doesn't make her mature - the same goes for men.

What makes someone mature is their ability to self-reflect, understand things they have done right and wrong, and work towards bettering the areas in life in which they lack.

For most people, they completely lack the ability to genuinely self-reflect - everyone is quick to play the victim. People would rather point the finger at someone else for their source of unhappiness instead of taking self-accountability for their own thoughts and actions.

Maturity has absolutely nothing to do with age - it has everything to do with self-awareness and control over one's own thoughts and actions.

There are plenty of women out there that genuinely believe they need to be with a rich man because they "deserve" it when they have nothing to truly offer a man. Whereas on the flip side, there are plenty of good women ready to give them full-selves over to a man that is a respectable man, regardless if he is rich or not, if they know he is capable of being a protector and a provider.

I believe that as a man, what is attractive is a woman's maturity level and her ability to live out her duties as a woman - age has absolutely nothing to do with it, regardless of what she has been through in her life.

Being able to take full responsibility and self-accountability is what makes a woman valuable - the same goes for men. People that hold themselves accountable, will actually work at solving the problems they are facing.

Man and woman is a balancing act, but one thing that I will always believe to be true, is the more they both work together at building each other into the best possible versions of themselves, the better off they will be.

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