Discovering Your Potential

Discovering Your Potential

Potential is something I believe we were all born with.

If we are able to breathe air, have coherent thoughts, and be able to physically use our body, we were all born with potential.

What separates us is our upbringing and what we decide to do with our potential.

One thing that I discovered about myself from an early age is that I have always had a knack for being able to learn things quickly and be proficient with them.

Even when I was nine years old and first learned how to ride horses, it was something that came extremely natural to me.

When I think as to why I learn certain things quickly I think of it in terms of being able to be mentally and physically stimulated at the same time, which is part of being athletic.

The only thing I have never been proficient with athletically was golf... I suck ass at golf even though I just don't practice. I have potential to be a decent golfer if I practiced because when I make contact with the ball, I will launch that shit into orbit around the Earth, but half the time I spend in the woods looking for my ball.

The point that I am making is that we were all born with potential at something that we can be extremely proficient at.

I was born with athletic potential, but I have had to teach myself how to use my brain.

I have always found it more difficult to have to sit there and just use my brain at something without using my body.

This is why for me, I find more stimulation and more satisfaction working outside with animals and using my hands than I do sitting here on a computer staring at a screen or making phone calls.

Some people are the complete opposite - they were born with absolutely zero athletic ability but can sit there and make phone calls and run corporations.

The mind and body works together as one and I believe that in order for someone to unlock their true potential, they must be able to learn how to control both their minds and their bodies.

I have learned how to control my body for the first 28 years of my life and I really haven't started working and learning how to control my mind until about 4 years ago.

If I am going to be useful to anyone, I must become proficient in everything that I do.

I think the way one discovers their potential is by going out into the world, experiencing new things, and learning new skills.

Some people discover their potential from extremely young ages and it becomes their livelihood later on in life. Oftentimes, you see this with many professional athletes.

While not everyone may be cut out to be a professional athlete, it doesn't mean there isn't something you could become extremely professional at.

The problem is, most people go their entire lives without ever discovering their true potential because they don't go out to live their lives and learn new things.

Most people get stuck doing the same shit everyone else is doing for the same reasons because it is all anyone knows.

I always said that the best decision I ever made was moving out of my hometown and moving across the country to pursue a dream of mine.

The reason why I am grateful for getting out and doing my own thing is because I have discovered more of my potential along the way.

I learned new skills, shook hands with people from all around the world, and have seen and experienced things that I truly value and things that I do not value in life.

I realize that God has gifted me with an enormous amount of potential and the last thing I am ever going to do is waste it...

I refuse to waste my potential on anyone or anything.

We were all gifted with the ability to be conscious beings here on this planet and while it may be hard, the only thing we can do is continue to work towards being the best versions of ourselves so that we can benefit others and make an impact.

As a man, I believe it is our duty to be purpose-driven and to discover our potential and use it for the good of our families and for the good of mankind.

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