Defining Productive Behavior

Defining Productive Behavior

The other day, we talked about how to identify poor behavior in men and women in the modern generation.

We concluded that poor behavior by today's standards is often destructive to the human psyche and is mostly geared around short term gratification.

Many people will try and justify their poor behavior because it makes sense to them in the moment, completely disregarding the long term effects of their current actions.

This is also one of the biggest differences between men and women.

We have discussed before about the difference between how men and women see the world - women see the world from an emotional/feelings based frame of mind, while men view the world from a logic/facts based frame of mind.

Much of our behavior comes from how we choose to see the world.

Many times for women, especially in modern culture, they make decisions that are highly reactive because it is what makes the most sense to them in the moment - this is a result of being in an emotional/feelings based mindset.

Whereas with men, we tend to view things from a more logical perspective and are often thinking about the future and the effects of our current actions on our future.

For example,  the way a man thinks is the following: "if I do this then I can potentially expect this outcome. If I do this instead, it might keep me from achieving the original outcome and might put me here. Now I need to weigh out my options and see what makes the most sense."

Granted, I am aware that most men today do not think logically about anything and that is partially because men today have been trained to view the world the same way that women do, from an emotional/feelings based perspective.

Most men today are highly reactive in their thinking and make decisions the same way that women do - doing what makes sense in the moment without any regard to the long term effects of their current actions.

This is the problem with encouraging men to be and act more like women because logic goes right out the window as soon as you begin to make decisions based off of your current feelings.

There is a good book that I strongly suggest the readers of today's post to read called Thinking Fast And Slow by Daniel Kahnaman.

This book outlines the differences between emotional/reactive thinking, versus logic/reason based thinking.

Emotional/reactive thinking is how 98% of the human population makes their decisions - it is making decisions based off of what you see in front of you and how it makes you feel, it is very fast thinking.

Whereas, logic/reason based thinking is slow, forward thinking, often weighing options and effects of current decisions and how they will play out in the near or distant future.

You can see the difference when you look at these things on paper.

Most people today partake in shitty behavior because they think that them having fun now is going to be more beneficial for them than working on building their future.

A man deciding to exploit women for his short term gratification is often unaware of the long term effects it will have on his psyche and his ability to eventually settle down and stay married to one woman.

While sexual exploitation works slightly different for men than it does for women, the end result is still the same in developing some form of mental disorder such as narcissism or psychopathy.

Granted, when a man gets it out of his system at a young age, by the time he is 30, he is ready to settle down and is much more capable of settling down than a woman at that age, and this is due to emotional difference in the act of sex between men and women.

The interesting thing about this is that a man's value in the sexual marketplace increases as he gets older and builds status, while it is the opposite for women.

For women, their sexual market value is highest when they are younger and decreases with age.

This is why when a woman goes off the deep end in her 20s having her "hot girl summers" and dating as many men as she possibly can, she is often completely unaware that by the time she hits the age of 30, her market value as a woman has completely plummeted.

A woman that is finally ready to settle at the age of 30 or older is not at all what men actually want.

I know this sounds mean, but thinking about this logically, this is exactly why men end up choosing to date younger women as their sexual market value increases later in life because they are looking for women at their peak sexual market value.

When a woman has been ran through by a bunch of men, her sexual market value is non-existent and often comes with loads of emotional baggage, and a crippling mental disorder of some sort.

Again, this is not to be offensive, but this is often the case when both men and women choose to partake in poor behavior for their own short term gratification, instead of focusing on productive behavior for their long term reward.

Almost all problems that people have can be solved by utilizing more productive behavior.

If you sit down and think about the actual skills and knowledge that you lack, then you can devise a plan as to acquiring the skills and knowledge needed to make you a person of more value.

If you think you lack no skills, you are delusional!

This is no different than a woman that has had twenty boyfriends in her life and continues to serial date into her 30s and 40s thinking she has genuine value to bring to the table - this is pure delusion because her lack of results speak for themselves.

The same way that men think if they sit here and continue to post thirsty comments on a girl on Instagram's photos or shooting his shot in her DM's that she will eventually see it and choose to go out with him - it is outright delusion to think this way.

The reality is, if people had the skills and knowledge they needed to have the things they want in life, they would have it!

Most people think they already have the skills and knowledge and wonder why they can't have the thing they're looking for.

This is a complete failure in terms of critical thought.

If I am a woman and I were to think logically as to why I can't find a boyfriend worth anything, meanwhile I have gone on 50 dates with men on dating apps, I would eventually have to think that what I was doing clearly was not working for me and would need to devise a new plan as to how to achieve the desired outcome.

If I am a man and I am thinking logically as to why women don't want to talk to me, I would probably have to look in the mirror first and see how out of shape I am, and ask myself if I have any actual plans for myself in my future and if I have what it takes to achieve it.

In both instances, it requires actual productive action to change the bad behavior.

In the female scenario, clearly her making herself overly available to men is not working for her, so the logical thing to do would be to work at acquiring more feminine knowledge and skills, and making herself less available to men so that men have to chase her.

In the male scenario, him looking at his fat and out of shape body should be a clear indicator as to why girls will not talk to him, so the logical thing to do would be to get into good physical shape and build his confidence so that women will find him more attractive.

Granted, there are many more things that a man needs to do other than be in good shape to be attractive to women, but working towards building your confidence as a man is the very first step.

The point of today's post is to make the point that both men and women need to be able to use logic to think about their current behaviors in correlation to their current results.

If you do not have what you want, then you simply have not done the work required to have the desired outcome you are looking for.

If what you are doing is not working, then you need to figure out a new behavior pattern for yourself that does work - this requires critical thinking and true self-awareness.

I believe everyone is capable of achieving what they want in life if they can truly understand their own minds and become more aware of what is true productive behavior, versus poor destructive behavior.

Ladies, your "hot girl summers" and fun nights out with men are not worth your long term capabilities of attracting and keeping a good man.

Gentlemen, your nights out drinking, partying, and sleeping with a bunch of women are not worth the time wasted you could be spending on building yourself into a strong and capable man, and finding yourself a real woman that is capable of doing more for you then anyone.

The more productive you are, the stronger and more confident you will become - the choice is yours.

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