Defining Poor Behavior

Defining Poor Behavior

I believe one of the biggest things that many people suffer with in the modern world is their disregard for poor behavior.

To no one's surprise, much of what society (especially in western culture) deems as
"acceptable" behavior, is actually destructive behavior.

We could go down an entire list as to what poor behavior by today's standards looks like.

Men are being indoctrinated into believing that they are useless, that machines will eventually take over all of their jobs, and that playing video games and watching porn is "cool".

I am here to tell you that there is nothing cool about playing video games or watching porn and both do more psychological damage to men than one would like to admit.

Sure, playing a video game might be nice to kill time for an hour or have something to entertain you after you have been busting your ass all day.

But one thing is for sure, if playing video games is all you do, there is nothing inherently cool about that, and is also the complete opposite of productive.

While I do understand there is an online market for video games and young kids are able to make tons of money just playing a game, many of these kids don't possess any other valuable skills as humans.

Most men by today's standards wouldn't even know how to nail two pieces of wood together because they spend all of their time playing video games and chasing crypto pumps.

When it comes to porn, it is without a doubt poison to consumers and their brains.

Porn has nothing but negative side effects for men and cripples them on a psychological level.

Studies show that watching porn releases the same chemical that is released when taking hard drugs - norepinephrine.

Norepinepherine is known for triggering what is known as the "fight-or-flight response", as well as being responsible for other functions such as increasing of arousal and alertness, focusing attention, and also increases restlessness and anxiety.

This is why men that consistently partake in watching porn show more clear signs of laziness, anxiety, and depression.

Not to mention that when a man indulges in watching porn, it also makes him look at and treat women differently.

When a man becomes desensitized to one of the strongest primal needs as being human, his ability to experience genuine fulfillment from a woman, is damaged.

In fact, our current hypersexualized society has completely allowed men to take advantage of the one thing that we cherish the most as a man, and that is a females body.

Everywhere we look, whether we are on Instagram or Tiktok, there are women in bikinis, half naked, showing off every portion of their bodies.

This kind of behavior is exactly what allows men to put women on pedestals for providing zero value, except short term pleasure from attraction.

When we look at the typical Instagram model as an example, it is a perfect example of poor behavior from both men and women.

It is poor behavior on the woman's part for putting herself in a position to be exposed to loads of men for the attention, and it is poor behavior on the man's part and buying into it by giving that woman attention.

Women by today's standards are being indoctrinated into believing that it is "okay" to be promiscuous, that it is "okay" to be independent and not depend on men, and that they are equal to men in every way.

While none of these qualities are qualities that men actually value, they make for a decent topic of discussion.

We have talked many times about promiscuous women and the long term negative effects promiscuous behavior has on women and their ability to find and keep a man.

It does not go without mentioning that any form of promiscuous behavior is poor behavior.

It doesn't matter whether you're posting bikini photos on Instagram, or meeting up with 10 different men on dating apps, promiscuous behavior is poor behavior.

Any time a woman puts herself in a position to be exposed or accessible to lots of men, the further she pushes away good men.

Many times it is the promiscuous women that claim to want good men and have absolutely no idea what a good man is supposed to look like.

Promiscuous behavior for both men and women is poor behavior because promiscuity breeds narcissism, entitlement, and psychopathy.

This is why anytime you choose to exploit yourself or someone else for short term gratification, you are sacrificing part of your sanity with it.

Women preserve their value by their ability to be feminine and remain exclusive from men.

When a woman is out getting ran through by men on a dating app, or serial dating men because she is "looking for a husband", she is often unaware that her own poor behavior is what causes her to not find what she is seeking.

This is why many women truly end up settling.

When a woman has had a promiscuous past, it increases the amount of men that have made an impact on her, so the probability of a new man walking into her life and being THE man is extremely low.

A woman that is easily accessible to men is not valued by men in terms of being wife material, but is often what society claims to be "acceptable" behavior.

If anything, women are typically encouraged by other women to put themselves out there, go on lots of dates with men, see who has the most to offer her, and sleep with whoever they want.

The reality is, this is absolutely horrendous advice to give any woman, and is the complete opposite of what men actually want.

Where a lot of men go wrong when dealing with women is not having strong enough boundaries.

Not having boundaries as a man is poor behavior because a man with low boundaries will allow a woman with poor behavior walk all over him.

Another bad behavior that is prominent in both men and women is texting your exes behind closed doors.

We all know that you do it because we all have done it, so do everyone a favor and stop acting like a degenerate and move on!

Texting or talking to anyone of the opposite sex when in a relationship is poor behavior.

If you cannot tell your partner to their face who you are texting behind closed doors and tell them everything you are talking about, then you shouldn't be doing it.

This means saying bye to all of your "guy friends" ladies...

Men don't put up with women with "guy friends" because as we have stated in previous blogs, unless its a father, a brother, or a cousin, most men are only choosing to be friends with women if they are attracted to them in some way and want to have a shot at getting in her pants.

It is nothing against you, ladies - it is men that are the problem because men know what other men's intentions are, especially if she is an attractive woman.

Poor behavior needs to be stopped, period.

I do believe that if we are all able to come to a consensus and agree that most of what is considered to be "acceptable" by society's standards in terms of behavior is basically horse shit, then we can all start taking the necessary steps in moving forward in our lives and start living healthier, more fulfilling lives.

Poor behavior can only be combated by productive behavior.

So if you truly want to live a fulfilling life and achieve desired outcomes, then the best thing you can do as a man or a woman is by becoming the best version of yourself.

A woman that works everyday at being more feminine and being stronger as a woman, will naturally seek out more feminine behavior and not give in to poor behavior.

This is work though, ladies.

If you have spent your entire life being independent, going through men left and right, and defending yourself, then I strongly suggest you study femininity in its entirety and study women - this is work, not just something you get to wake up and decide one day.

A man that works hard everyday at becoming more masculine and more capable will naturally seek out more masculine behavior and not be going out into the world acting like a pure degenerate.

This means not taking advantage of women, not abusing toxic substances, and not gambling your life away.

Being a confident and competent man takes work every single day and only the strong men will survive the most pain and wield their pain as a source of strength to do good - do good by his family, do good by himself, and do good by God.

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