Dating Is Difficult

Dating Is Difficult

One thing that I have been thinking about a lot over the past few years is the concept of dating.

Dating in the modern world is genuinely difficult but to understand why it is difficult is relatively simple. What I mean by simple is that everyone's priorities are completely out of whack.

Both men and women are being programmed to value things of little-to-no substance.

Women are being programmed by men and by society to be entitled and to think they have more to offer than the really do or to be independent from men entirely, while men are being programmed to think that they have no value at all or that value comes in the form of short-term pleasure.

I have friends with parents that have been married for over 30 years and they all say the same thing: it takes work to be together with someone for that long.

The thing about society today is that nobody wants to work for anything. Women don't want to work at being able to provide genuine value to a man, and men don't want to work to become strong and respectable.

Everyone wants the "happily ever after" but no one wants to work for the "happily ever after."

Nobody truly wants to work for building genuine trust and respect with one another.

The truth is, nobody is ever going to buy your trust and respect from you and just because someone gives you attention, doesn't mean that they respect you.

Respect must be earned at the fundamental level if two people are going to come together and spend their time with one another.

You all already know that I relate everything to horses and I have already made this comparison many times before in that you must first establish a foundation of trust and respect with a horse in order to have the horse want to work with you.

Man must prove to horse that the horse can seek safety through him otherwise, the horse is just going to result in doing what mother nature programmed them to do, be afraid.

This principle is something that runs deep for me.

I see through the lies of other people for the sheer fact that they truly don't understand what trust and respect is on the most fundamental level.

Today's culture is so easily influenced by the outside world.

Women are taught that chasing a bag means that a man can buy their respect from them instead of having to actually earn it. Valuing things that are fragile such as their looks so that they can seek the short-term pleasure, until they wake up one day and realize that none of it means anything because they are with someone that doesn't respect them for the simple fact that they never respected themselves to begin with.

This is why I always say that the entitled mindset is a disease - it projects a false layer of reality of what is perceived to be valuable for a short period of time.

I believe that what makes a woman a good woman is her ability to have a set of standards and live up to her own standards the same way that a quality man would.

The problem that I see today is that there are many women out there who have insanely high standards and do absolutely nothing to live up to their own standards. To me, it is not by any fault of their own for the sheer fact that they have been programmed by men and society to believe they are more valuable than they are.

In the same vein, men have absolutely no standards at all because if he is rich, just about any woman that is pretty he will give his time and money to and if he is poor, he fantasizes over things he has no control over. Neither of these types of men have genuine standards for themselves.

The fact is, I know plenty of beautiful women out there that are depressed and lonely because they think they have exceptionally high standards and end up doing nothing but attract losers for men who genuinely want nothing to do with them. This is all because she does NOT have her priorities in line.

The entire reason both men and women attract and keep attracting people that don't suit their spirit is due to a lack of priorities.

If a woman only chases a bag but thinks in her mind she has everything in the world to offer a man, she is only going to attract men that want nothing to actually do with her. This is no different than a man being a simp over women that want nothing to do with him - he will just keep attracting more women that aren't actually interested in him because he is a simp.

I think having standards as a man or a woman is incredibly important, but being able to live up to your own standards is even more important than actually having them.

For a woman to truly be considered valuable, she must first understand what it means to be a ride or die because that is truly the only thing that good men want. Good men want a woman that is loyal and will go with them to the end of the Earth.

If a woman can't stand by her man when he is at the very bottom, then she does not deserve him at the very top.

If a woman is only chasing a bag and the man she's after goes broke tomorrow, what happens then? Will she stand by him? Or will she be seeking out the next rich guy that gives her attention?

A man can only be considered valuable if is he able to commit to things and not just things that are convenient for him, but all things that he does, including his woman.

It is extremely important for both men and women to have their priorities in line. Both must be able to value things of genuine substance if there is any chance of building a true foundation of trust and respect.

A woman's beauty means nothing in the long run, which is exactly why they must be extremely careful in what they choose to focus on. Where focus goes, energy flows and that is a fundamental law of nature.

I know everyone is sick and tired of trying to date in the modern world because it takes work and energy to sit there and waste your time with someone. But I truly believe what it boils down to is focusing on the things that matter and working to live up to your own standards.

As a man, I am very particular with who I choose to spend my time with at this stage in my life. I have learned that chasing women gets me nowhere and I won't give a woman the time of day unless she proves to me that she is worth my time and genuinely wants to be a part of my life.

This is why as a man, our most valuable asset is our time until we meet the right woman. If all a man does is give his time to whatever woman he pleases, then his time and his value as a man, isn't truly valuable.

Chasing pleasure is the surefire way to completely deplete someone of their value.

Women truly are the best things about life as a man and all a good man really needs is a woman that will go to battle with him and believe in him.

Who she is and what she values are what matter the most to a man - her looks are just a bonus.

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