Dating In 2024

Dating In 2024

While much of what we cover here at Playboy Ranchin' is seen as controversial by today's standards, our primary goal is to have those difficult conversations and inspire people to take action towards the things that they truly want in life.

We talk a lot about dating in today's day in age, how men and women think and operate, and many of the struggles men and women face when it comes to dating.

It is to no one's surprise that men and women struggle with dating in the modern world.

Between men being softer and trying to act more like women, and women being more promiscuous and trying to act like men than ever before, it is a race to the bottom in terms of being unhappy and unfulfilled.

The goal here on this platform is to not only talk about these difficult subjects, but to help provide solutions as to how men and women can work together moving forward.

We believe heavily that the traditional household is the most productive mental framework for men and women to have when being in a relationship.

This means that the man and the woman understand their roles - the man being the protector/provider and leader of the house, and the woman being the nurturer/caregiver and mother of the house.

In order for the traditional household to work, it is going to take a lot of deprogramming of what is accepted as "normal" by today's standards.

Men being soft and in their feelings is seen as "normal" by today's standards and it goes completely against men's biology.

The reason why men are more depressed now than ever before is because they are told that it is okay to be soft and "in your feelings".

Men are being told that it is "okay" to express themselves and be sad and upset.

The most interesting part is that it is a majority of women telling men that it is okay for men to be in their feelings and express themselves.

It is very easy for a woman to tell a man to be soft and emotional because that is in fact, how women see the world, through an emotional/feelings based lens.

The truth about it is, it is easy for a woman to tell a man to be in their feelings, until he actually does it and she goes running for the door.

Biologically speaking, women are turned off to men as soon as they show emotional weakness and vulnerability because it shows weakness.

Women choose men that are strong because the stronger the man, the better chance at survival, and this is something that is encoded in every woman's DNA.

Men need to have a purpose and be able to have control over their emotions in order for a woman to truly respect him.

This means that a man must be willing to sacrifice his short term gratification to build himself into a strong and capable man so that he can acquire the skills and knowledge necessary for having emotional control, and finding his purpose in life.

When it comes to dating for men in 2024, there are many things that he needs to be made aware of.

The single most important thing for a man to remember is that in order for him to find an objectively feminine woman, he must be working every single day to become more objectively masculine.

This means that he is working every single day to become stronger mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually, and financially.

If a man does this, he will naturally attract more of the kinds of women he is searching for because he will be building his confidence along the way.

When a man builds confidence, he will be able to weed out the women that do not serve his spirit or his mission.

Yesterday, I gave men what I consider to be the best piece of dating advice for 2024, and that is for men to stay away from promiscuous women.

Being as that promiscuous women have an addiction to seeking male attention and male validation, these are not the types of women that will truly support a man who is working to fulfill his life's purpose.

When a man is confident and driven towards his purpose, he will be able to distinguish more clearly what promiscuous women look like, and what objectively feminine women look like.

But the single most important thing for a man to do is become a man of commitment and be able to commit to himself and everything that he does every single day so that he will be capable of giving that same commitment to the right woman.

For women, dating in 2024 is also extremely challenging.

When women are being put up on pedestals for being attractive and promiscuous on things like social media, it changes the way that women typically view men.

For decades now, women have been taught not to depend on men, to build their own career, split incomes with your man, and not be afraid if it doesn't work out with him.

Women have been taught that it is okay to be strong and independent, and that a man just needs to be able to accept her for this, which, from a man's perspective, simply is not true.

A man does not need to accept anything other than what he sees fit to add to his life, not take away from it - this is how men think when choosing a woman to be with.

Much of what women are being taught is "acceptable" by today's standards, also goes against their biology.

When a woman is being taught that it is "okay" to have options in terms of dating and choosing the right man, they will often be unaware of the consequences that come with this frame of thinking.

Biologically speaking, women are hardwired to seek attention from a man, but only seek the attention from one man because that one man is her best chance of survival.

In the modern era, women are being told that it is okay to be independent and date as many men as they want, so naturally they will seek attention from more than one man and this begins to play with their psyche, and their hormones.

The more men that a woman tries to expose herself to, or seek validation from, the more she damages herself mentally and emotionally because it goes against what women are biologically hardwired to do - seek one man, rely on him for survival, and have a family with him.

This is inherently what all women want, but often think that by having options, they will eventually find that desirable man that they are looking for when it simply is not true.

The best piece of dating advice I can give to women moving forward is to stop taking dating advice from other women, and to stop making themselves easily accessible to other men.

Objectively masculine men are always going to seek out objectively feminine women, and objectively feminine women know to remain exclusive from men.

This means that truly feminine women are not putting themselves in a position to be exposed to other men, and they are not easily accessible.

Objectively feminine women are not out serial dating men, and having their "hot girl summer" sleeping with a bunch of men because they respect themselves, they respect their time and attention, and they respect their bodies.

Objectively feminine women are not sharing their bodies with the world via social media or out in public - they keep themselves covered and only share themselves with the man that earns the right to have her body.

The reason why I say for women to stop taking dating advice from other women is because it is too easy for another woman to encourage bad behavior like going out on a bunch of dates with men, sleeping with whoever you want, serial dating men to see who has what to offer you etc.

The reality of it is, most women give horrible dating advice to other women because most women don't understand how men actually think.

Most women will give other women advice that makes sense to them based off of what they deem as "acceptable" behavior, even though what is considered "acceptable" behavior by today's standards, is not acceptable to men.

It is incredibly important for women to realize what is acceptable and what is not acceptable behavior to men.

If you are a woman and you want an objectively masculine man, then you must understand what is acceptable, and not acceptable behavior to men.

Western culture has done a great job in skewing the reality of how men and women are supposed to operate within society.

There are countries all around the world that value family first because they understand that strong families create strong societies.

In Western culture, people are being taught that the traditional family doesn't matter and the only thing that matters is seeking pleasure and short term gratification, and this is why there are more single parent households in the the West today than any recorded period of human history.

The traditional family household is the one mental framework that has worked for both men and women the longest throughout human history.

Those that value these traditional values, are often much happier and respected people who are able to add to society, and carry themselves with respect and honor.

Dating these days is incredibly hard, but I do believe that if you can figure out ways to leverage yourself to be more productive, you will have a much better chance at finding the person you are looking for and know exactly how to pursue them.

When the time comes and you are ready, God will be listening and present you with what you are asking for, you just need to be able to recognize the opportunity and prepare yourself for when that opportunity arises.

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