Communication Is Key

Communication Is Key

One thing that I have learned as I have gotten older is the importance of communication and how effective good communication can be when dealing with other people.

Like anything, communication is a skill and it is something that people do need to learn and practice in order to master.

Some people are born with a natural ability to communicate well, and for others, it is not as easy.

For those that lack the ability of effective communication, there are going to be many missed opportunities.

Simply put, if you do not have confidence in speaking to others, even if they are complete strangers, you are going to miss out on opportunities that could change your life for the better.

You could just miss out on your dream job offer because you lack the confidence of speaking, especially when the pressure is on.

Or, you could even miss out on going on a date with that girl you have always wanted because you lacked the confidence to go up and talk to her,

Being as that we are humans, we are designed to be able to communicate with each other.

While social anxiety is more prevalent in today's day in age, there are ways to overcome this anxiety and learn how to speak clearly and concisely with other people.

First, it is a matter of getting over the anxiety of meeting new people.

Some people have their select friends groups and don't really seek the kinship of other people because they are comfortable with what they have.

This is the natural path of the introvert.

Being as that I myself am an introvert, I can relate to this personally.

I have no desire to go out and meet new people or be social and this is partially why I choose to deal with animals.

With that being said, I have developed the ability to communicate through my life experiences, especially when I lived in Vegas and worked in entertainment.

In other words, I can be extroverted when I need to be, but I do not naturally seek to go out and meet new people.

I have met thousands of people from all over the world and I have learned how to effectively greet people, start a conversation, keep a conservation rolling, make a few jokes, and fuck off and never see that person ever again... unless they were really interesting.

The point that I am trying to make is that effective communication can be learned, but it comes through experience.

It is like sales - at first, you have no idea what you're doing or what to say and the more you do it, the easier it gets, the better you get at people saying "yes" to you, and the more you close deals.

Gentlemen, if you want to seal the deal with the girl you have had your eye on, you need to learn how to communicate and not come off creepy.

This is a huge problem for men today because social anxiety and the circus that runs on social media naturally makes men come off way more creepy to women.

Charm for men is a skill that can also be learned and needs to be learned and harnessed for men.

The only way a man develops charm is by going out and talking to women, but also facing his fair share of rejection.

The more you get rejected, the more you can figure out new ways to develop your charm because clearly what you were doing before was not working.

You learn how to communicate through trial and error - you see what works and what doesn't.

You can also get better at communicating verbally by learning how to read someone's body language.

Many times, people will tell you exactly what they are thinking just by the way they are standing and looking at you.

Identifying body language is a good way of being able to adjust your approach when starting a conversation with this person.

Communication is a skill that needs to be learned if one ever wishes to be successful at things because people are going to need to know who you are, and you are going to have to know how to navigate speaking to them.

You cannot be good at sales if you suck at communication.

The biggest one that I think most can relate to is communication in relationships.

So many people today will talk about how important communication is in a relationship and still hide things from their partner, which defies logic.

If you ever plan on having someone trust you, why can't you tell them things?

Because you're embarrassed and insecure?

Maybe you're doing something you know they wouldn't like so you're deciding to keep it a secret to "protect your peace."

The point that I am trying to make is, people inherently all know that effective communication in relationships is extremely important but hardly anyone these days actually practices it.

If there is a problem, one or the other either tries to ignore it or they let it fester until they blow up and now all of the sudden there is a combative argument.

Instead of addressing the issue and getting to the root of the issue when the problem arises, people choose to put it off, continue to put it off, bring past things back up in arguments and before you know it, you get two people that are repulsed by one another.

Everyone has experienced this at one time or another and some people truly never learn their lessons and will continue to repeat the same behavior with new people.

Effective communication is extremely important in more ways than one.

If you can learn how to articulate your thoughts into well spoken words, people will inherently want to listen to what you have to say.

This is why the journey to bettering yourself is such a grind because it is work non-stop to learn new knowledge and develop new skills.

If you ever want a chance at living a fulfilling life, you need to learn how to learn.

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