Commit To One Woman

Commit To One Woman

Today, I drove for 3.5 hours in silence thinking about what the true meaning behind the name "Playboy Ranchin'" ought to mean to people.

Most people often associate the term "playboy" with financially successful men that typically have a lot of women and live the "high life" so-to-speak.

The term "ranchin'" refers to working on a ranch and the various jobs and duties it takes to manage or maintain a ranch.

Ranching practically speaks for itself - it is some of the hardest work on the planet, but it also some of the most honest work on the planet.

The real idea behind our brand here at Playboy Ranchin' is to change the real meaning of the term "playboy", and promote traditional masculinity in a positive way.

Our goal is not to promote degeneracy, or promote living the "high life" and having as many women as you want.

Our mission is to build a community of strong, confident men that do what they need to do to protect the woman they need.

Like it or not, having a bunch of money so that you can fly around the world, meet a bunch of women, and have "women only" yacht parties, doesn't make you a man.

What makes a man a good man is his ability to commit to one woman and do everything in his power to give her a good life.

We live in a world where people are easily influenced by everything they consume. Young men see men like Dan Bilzerian partying on a yacht with a bunch of women and label that as success.

While I am not here to drag anyone's name through the mud, life as a real "playboy" is not a fulfilling life and does not make you a man, regardless of the amount of money you make.

I have experienced what the "playboy" life was like in my years of live entertainment. I didn't need to have money, women just loved me for being an attractive male, with a strong body and a good smile.

I was in the position on a nightly basis that was a matter of taking your pick if you wanted to bring a girl home with you.

The only thing I ever wanted when I worked in live entertainment was to go home to the woman I loved at the end of the night - it was the one thing I never got. Instead, I would get home after work and just hang out with my dogs, smoke some weed, and go to bed so that I could wake up and go to the gym the next morning.

The idea of having one woman has always been a priority for me.

What most people won't tell you is that entertaining multiple women is relatively boring...

Dating is boring, it is monotonous, and takes entirely too much effort if you are wasting your time trying to entertain more than one person at a time. You sit across from different people, tell the same stories, ask the same questions, etc. It ends up being a repetitive cycle of the same shit, different toilet.

The only thing that doesn't suck is being able to enjoy your time with someone you truly care about.

Today, there are many financially successful men preaching the traditionally masculine message. Men that tell you to be rich, be strong, be confident, protect and provide, etc. and end up being the ones that don't even play by their own rules.

The idea of having the mindset of a warrior so that you can eventually live like a king, is a foolish mindset in my opinion.

Life as a man isn't about living like a king, it is about doing the things you have to do regardless of how you feel for the betterment of those around you - the path of a warrior.

To me, it is about having the mindset of a warrior and living up to those expectations until the day that you die. A warrior puts himself on the line for a purpose larger than himself, so that he can make it home to his wife and family - whereas, the king wants everything for himself with 10 wives, 14 mistresses, and probably a goat to carry on his lineage.

Life as a man is about finding that one woman you are ready to go to battle with and doing everything that you can to protect her. Doing everything you can to give her the life she deserves.

If all a man does is make money so that he can have fun, what good is he? Sure, he could provide for a woman financially, maybe take her on some nice vacations, but there's more than finances that makes a man, a good man.

If a man has to sit there and try to convince you why cheating is okay or why he needs to be shared by his woman, what good is he?

Sure, there are logical and evolutionary explanations for everything, but that is no excuse to be a shit bag and fail to commit to someone you agreed to commit to. Saying that women should share you because you have money is a pathetic excuse for being selfish.

A good man can make the commitment to one woman, live by it, build a life and a family with her, and give her and their family together the best life possible.

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1 comment

This is an amazing thing to read. There are few people like this out there. I know for me it was a pleasure to meet you. What made it better was the way you talked to me and the way you made me feel comfortable. That to me made you cuter.


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