By Me Taking Care Of Me, I Take Care Of You

By Me Taking Care Of Me, I Take Care Of You

We know the overall message that we preach here at Playboy Ranchin' is learning how to achieve self-mastery.

Most of our content is focused around the concept of relationships, men learning how to be men, and women learning how to be women.

Now, I know what some women are probably thinking, "I don't need some man telling me how to be a woman", and to be completely fair, I can understand 100% where this thought is coming from.

I personally would never let a woman tell me how to be a man and there are a few reasons for this, mainly being that most women today do not understand men enough to give sound advice.

This is also why I talk about many of the things I talk about, especially when it comes to relationships because while I might not be a woman, I am a man, I understand how men think and how we operate, and much of what I talk about is giving women the secret sauce into understanding how men think and operate.

Plus, being as that I used to entertain women for a living, I have had plenty of interactions with women to understand women enough to recognize certain behavior patterns, and how women perceive reality.

With that being said, I don't think any man is ever going to truly understand a woman to their core because women are emotional beings, and men are logical beings.

Our differences in how perceive reality are exactly what make us such a good team - where one lacks, the other gains, and vice versa.

The best thing we can do as men is try to understand feelings and emotions on a baseline level to work with our woman whenever she is having an emotional moment - this will determine a man's level of emotional intelligence, on top of his ability to always have control over his own emotions.

When we talk about our journey to self-mastery, we understand that everything about how we treat and view others is a result of how we see ourselves.

This is why self-mastery exists because in order for us to be genuinely useful to other people, we need to be useful to ourselves first.

This means establishing a true foundation of basic human principles that promote a stronger and healthier lifestyle, such as building confidence, establishing self-control, discovering true self-awareness of our behavior, and becoming more stoic..

These basic human principles are things that need to be worked at on a daily basis.

It does not matter whether you are a man or a woman, these basic human principles are foundational in establishing a pathway to a more fulfilling life.

If you walk around the world anxious and insecure, while having absolutely no control over your thoughts, behaviors, or feelings, you will go through life often playing the victim and will only attract other people who view life the same way.

This is often why when I see people that are desperate trying to find a good relationship, it is more than clear to me that they have done nothing to work on building these core human principles in themselves.

When you see attractive women deliberately putting themselves out there to be seen by men, it is due to their own insecurities and needing validation from men.

These types of women are often completely unaware of the effects of their behavior, on top of the fact that they have very little self-control or emotional control, especially when it comes to men.

When you see men out at the club trying to pull as many girls as he possibly can to make himself look like a high-status male, it is often out of his own insecurity and desire to boost his ego in that moment.

Men that exploit women for short term gain often end up being horrible spouses and typically end up killing their woman's confidence in the process.

Not to mention, true authentic women do not find rich guys out at the clubs partying with a bunch of girls being attractive men.

So, regardless of what people on social media might be trying to tell you, true women are not attracted to men that put themselves in positions to be adored by other women.

In fact, it is the complete opposite.

I have said this before that the true way to get the best out of a woman is to be a man that other women want, but other women cannot have because you belong to one woman.

This works exactly the same for women as it does for men.

When a woman knows other women want her man but he comes home to her, you will get the best out of her.

It is desire that men and women truly crave for one another.

These men you see out at clubs, partying with a bunch of women, claiming that they want multiple wives, truly don't understand how to take care of a woman they way they claim to.

While money, clout, and status might buy a woman's love and loyalty for a short period of time, his lack of making her a priority in his life will eventually drive her to seek attention elsewhere.

This is why many women today will settle for men with money because it makes them feel secure financially, but you best bet that if you still go out with your boys and cheat on her with girls out at the club, your woman at home will eventually lose respect and desire for you.

This is why the multiple wives theory is flawed because many of these men do not realize that one man cannot possibly give multiple different women the time and attention they need, especially if they are important men.

Eventually, those other women will seek attention elsewhere, it does not matter how much money, status, or clout you have.

As a man and a woman, both need to understand that when it comes to being with one another, it always starts with the self first.

By achieving self-mastery and taking care of yourself first, you make yourself more capable of caring for someone else by extension.

Maybe you haven't been the best at relationships in your past, but if you work on building your confidence and your capabilities as a man or a woman, you will naturally develop the skill to work for other things that you want in life.

Everything that is good in life takes time, patience, and persistence.

I truly do not believe that you will just wake up and find the man or woman of your dreams when you have done absolutely nothing to work on building yourself.

I believe that God tests every single one of us to see if we are truly deserving of the person that we say that we want to be with.

In other words, we have to go through a bunch of shit first to see if we are capable of having the things that we say that we want in life.

If we are not capable of turning shit into gold, then it is a matter of our own doing and making our own choices to not work for the things we actually want.

If we are capable of walking through the fire and coming out stronger on the other side, then God will be exceptionally rewarding to you for your consistent efforts.

When it comes to relationships in the modern day, too many people are constantly thinking about what somebody else can do for them, instead of thinking about what value they can add to others.

This is partially why I am against dating apps because I believe that dating apps create bad habits in people and how they view other people.

For one, dating apps give people a false sense of options, and two, it allows other people to only see you as an option instead of being the one and only option.

When I see a woman that has been on dating apps for years and has been on 50 dates with men that she has matched with, it is obvious to me she is only looking for attention and looking for what other men can do for her, instead of focusing on what value she actually has to offer a man.

Dating apps provide short term gratification of getting approval from others, which contributes to creating a culture full of narcissistic psychopaths.

The serial dating/hookup culture that we currently live in has completely destroyed peoples ability to actually see what value they offer others.

People today are not focused on providing value and are solely focused on what makes the most sense to them right now.

This is also why people are so easy to cheat these days because both men and women are more addicted to attention than ever before, and everyone else is so easily accessible.

Part of building yourself is only making yourself accessible to those that are on the same life path as you because they are the only one's that will truly understand you, hold you accountable for your fuck ups, and continue to lift you up.

This means that you must be exceptionally picky with who you choose to spend time with and who you allow into your life.

The 100 men or 100 women you have matched with on a dating app are never going to see the value that you have because you don't even see the value that you have.

You must be willing to do the work on yourself first because it is the only way you are ever truly going to be able to work for someone else because by me taking care of me, I will naturally take better care of you.

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