Best Ways To Change Your Mindset

Best Ways To Change Your Mindset

If you oftentimes find yourself unhappy in your current situation, it is reality telling you that the things that you are doing are not working for you.

Many times, people will find themselves trapped in a continuous loop because of their own patterned behavior.

Humans by nature, are extremely predictable creatures due to our behavior patterns, and most of us share very similar behavior patterns.

When people oftentimes find themselves unhappy in their current situation, they are unaware that a simple change in behavior can be the one thing to change their situation completely.

What most people don't even tend to think about is that every single one of us is one decision away from changing out lives forever.

So the real question then becomes: how do we make that change?

How can we change our behavior for the betterment of ourselves and those around us?

It all starts in the mind...

It has to be a clear decision that you are going to do something to change the thing that you are doing that isn't working.

It is a commitment to yourself every single day when you wake up that you are going to do something different.

Living up to these commitments every single day is how one begins to build confidence.

This is why I believe one of the best ways for anyone to change their mindset is by going into the gym to get in great shape.

Going to the gym is more than just looking good or being physically stronger.

The psychological effects of going into the gym everyday to get in great shape because it is a promise you make to yourself and continue to make to yourself everyday, will help you build confidence.

Confidence is everything when it comes to changing your mindset.

Confidence is being able to do something that you say that you are going to do and do it well.

Confidence is much more than shouting affirmations in the mirror or telling yourself that you deserve more - confidence is action.

Confidence is stacking up small wins every single day to leverage yourself to be better than you were the day before.

Stacking up enough of those small wins over time will compound into a larger win if you stay focused and continue to find new things that you can do to win at everyday.

You do not achieve your dream body overnight...

Instead, you envision what you want your body to look like, diet and go to the gym 5-6 days per week every week until you eventually get there because the truth is, you will get there if you actually do the things you say you are going to do to get where you want to be.

Making these promises to yourself every single day is how you begin to change your mindset in real time.

Figuring out new ways to leverage yourself will change your mindset and your behavior patterns.

If you used to be one that went out to the bar with your dickhead friends every weekend and you decided that you wanted to make a change in your life to learn how to start an online business, guess who isn't going to be going to the bars every weekend anymore?

That's right, because now you are committed to using your time for something productive, instead of wasting it on something destructive.

It's not to say you can't eventually find that balance, but work will always come first when it comes to achieving your goals.

The work on yourself will come first before all, and working to build that confidence so that you can actually do things that you say that you are going to do.

If you want to have your dream body, you need to make the commitment to yourself every single day to go into the gym and stick to a diet that works for you and your body.

If you want to have an online business, you need to figure out how to build, operate, and scale.

If you want to have the woman or the man of your dreams, you need to commit to making yourself better first so that the right person can look at you and see your value and how they can add more value into your life.

No person is ever going to walk into your life and see your value if you do not see your own value first - this is real confidence.

This does not go without mentioning that there is real confidence and fake confidence going around in the world today.

People with real confidence will radiate their confidence through their actions, not their words.

People with fake confidence will radiate it through their words, not their actions.

For example, if I am talking to a beautiful woman who is promiscuous and posts revealing photos of herself online and she tells me she is a strong, independent, confident woman, then I already know she lacks confidence through her choice of words and her actions.

The reality of it is, women that are confident walk the walk.

They don't need to post revealing photos of themselves or do things to attract unwanted attention.

However, women that are insecure do need to have that validation from men and oftentimes shout affirmations at themselves instead of doing the things they need to do to change their mindset and build real confidence.

For men, it is no surprise that a most men today lack that confidence completely and you can tell through their actions.

If a man says that he wants to get into shape, goes and signs up for a gym membership, and then stops going after a week, he is a man that lacks commitment.

Men that are committed to everything that they do and want to be good at everything that they do are confident men.

Men that are only committed to things that are convenient for them are not confident men.

Men on dating apps are highly insecure men, not confident men.

Men without boundaries are highly insecure men, not confident men.

Men addicted to sex and attention from women, are not confident men and are also highly insecure.

When you see a man acting out of his simplest desires and giving in to pleasure, he is acting purely out of his own insecurities.

The only way for a man to build himself into a confident man is by practicing self-control, and building real confidence through different courses of action.

The point of this post is to bring home the point that in order for you to make a shift in your mindset and get the results you are looking for in life, you must be willing to change the way that you do things.

It is only through changing your behavior that your mind will begin to think differently and solve new problems, instead of trying to solve the same shitty problem over and over again with no change.

If you want to leverage yourself, sharpen your mind and your body simultaneously.

Go into the gym and get in great shape, and read books to sharpen your mind in your free time.

I have found reading to be extremely beneficial in my thinking patterns and my writing over the years.

Making a point to learn new things is how you can leverage your own mind and shift your mindset.

If you want to learn how money works, go read about how it is created and how it is circulated through our economic system, and figure out ways to leverage that information in your own life to see if you can make use of it.

The truth is, we all have the power to make the changes we are looking for in our lives, but it is going to take hard work to get there.

Both men and women these days have to work to build their value, especially if they are going to be in a relationship with one another.

You cannot sit there and shout affirmations at yourself, and tell yourself you deserve more and just expect someone to see your value.

You must change the way that you do things, change your behavior, and change your mindset so that you can build yourself into someone of genuine value to yourself, and to others around you.

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