Becoming Unpredictable

Becoming Unpredictable

A fundamental law of human nature is that we are creatures of habit.

We establish patterns of behavior throughout the course of our lives and these patterns become part of the foundation of our character and who we are as people.

We associate our identity based off of our experiences and the perception we create of ourselves based off of these experiences.

What is particularly interesting about human nature is that we are often unaware of our patterns of behavior.

Sure, we know the things we like and what we don't like, and we inherently know that we would rather do things that we like.

With that being said, we often find ourselves in very similar situations under different circumstances.

Think back to every romantic relationship you have ever had...

When you are able to reflect back on the types of people you have had past relationships with, you will begin to notice a pattern.

All different people who come from different backgrounds and have different stories, but all reflect very similar characteristics in one way or another.

This is why you will sometimes hear people who claim that all of their exes as being narcissists.

The question then becomes: how is every person you have had a relationship with a narcissist?

Because you have an established pattern of behavior that attracts these types of people.

When we are too quick to label others as being a certain way, it is typically a reflection of ourselves.

Maybe all of your exes aren't actually narcissists and you yourself fail to realize that it is you who is the narcissist and you attracted these kinds of people into your life because of your own established behavior patterns.

I don't want people to think that I am calling them out specifically, because we are all narcissists in our own right, but this kind of reflection is how we are able to get to the root of our patterns - we attract what we put out.

Because we are patterned creatures, we become predictable.

The types of people you take particular interest in is a reflection of a deeply rooted pattern.

It isn't until we are able to identify our patterns that we are then capable of changing them.

If we consciously know that what we are doing is not working for us then we can take a different course of action, immerse ourselves in a new environment, and change the pattern.

Making conscious changes in behavior is how we can open ourselves up to learning new things.

This is why it is important when meeting new people to not give too much of yourself away too soon, especially when dating.

When something is new and exciting with someone, it is very natural to want to speak to them regularly and want to get to know more about them.

This has adverse effects on human psychology, especially in today's day in age with modern technology and the easy accessibility of others.

By giving too much of yourself away too soon, people become bored that much quicker.

They might like you showering them with attention at first, but soon enough you become predictable by always making yourself available and people will begin to lose interest.

Human psychology suggests that we are naturally attracted to mystery.

The mysteriousness of someone's character naturally makes us more interested and want to get to know more about them.

By giving yourself away too soon, people will begin to think they already have you figured out.

If all you do is shower them with attention early on, they will know that they can come to you for attention whenever they want to, not because they are interested.

Strategically speaking, it is wise to understand when to pull back when dealing with people.

If you made a lasting impression on someone, then strategically knowing when to disappear and reappear is how you will keep someone's interest in you alive.

This will make your pattern appear to be unpredictable in the eyes of others.

The same holds true when pursuing your life's mission and purpose.

The average 9-5er establishes a particular pattern of going to work at the same job everyday, coming home and doing the same chores around the house, going to the same bar on the weekends etc.

The one who is constantly immersing themselves into a new environment and hungry for new experiences becomes a lot less predictable - one moment they could be base jumping off of a canyon, and the next moment they are shark diving.

Whatever the case may be, mysteriousness and unpredictability is an attractive quality for people to possess.

It constantly makes other people question "who is this person?"

People take a natural interest in you when they realize there is a lot more to you under the surface, and by not making yourself too predictable, you open the door for peoples interest in you to grow.

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