Become Irreplaceable

Become Irreplaceable

It is every man's duty to work every single day at becoming the best version of himself - this same holds true for women as well.

When a man is living in his true masculine, the amount of value he brings to the marketplace and those around him is endless.

When a woman is living in her true feminine, the amount of value she brings to her husband and family is endless.

Let's take a deeper dive into what it means to live in the true masculine/feminine energies and how we can utilize this energy to become better people, and better partners.

Part of a man living in his true masculine is to be purpose driven.

A man needs to be able to set goals, and have an idea and a plan of how he is going to reach them.

A man needs to be able to plan for his future and take action to work towards his future goals every single day.

If a man is truly driven, he will continue on with his mission even when life throws roadblocks at him.

This is where things begin to get interesting as a man is his ability to stay focused, even if everything around him seems like it is crumbling.

It is the drive to be better that will make a man into a man and a capable one at that.

I am much more traditional in the sense that I believe that a man needs to become the man that is capable of protecting and providing for his wife and family.

This means that a man must be able to become strong, confident, and stoic so that he can obtain the ability to control his emotions and feelings.

Self-control is one of the biggest key indicators of a man in his masculine.

Self-control and self-discipline are often overlooked and this is one of the leading indicators that a man is who he says that he is.

When a man lacks self-control, he becomes a liability to those around him.

If all a man does is seek pleasure or seek short-term gratification, he lacks self-control and will never be able to find true peace of mind.

Men that are stoic and can control their thoughts and feelings understand the concept of peace and do the things that they have to regardless of how they feel about them so that they can have peace of mind in the long run.

It is delayed gratification where a man can truly live in his masculine, not the short-term because it is the process in pursuit of the goal that will forge a man into the man he is to become.

I believe it should be every man's goal to become the kind of man that is completely 100% irreplaceable in all realms of life - in the workplace, in relationships, in business etc.

A man needs to become the kind of man that makes people regret not coming along with him on his mission.

A man needs to become the kind of man that every single person who ever let him slip through the cracks can look at him one day and say, "damn, I fucked that up by letting him go."

Whether it was ex-girlfriends, girls who never gave you a chance, friends who didn't believe in you, or even family in some cases.

A man that is living in his true masculine is a good protector and provider for his wife and family - this is something that is irreplaceable.

A man needs to become the kind of man where his woman can look at him and know there isn't a single other man on the planet that can do for her what he is capable of.

Desperate men are replaceable.

Passive weak men are replaceable.

Strong men living in their masculine are not replaceable.

So what does this mean?

It means that a man needs to focus on the things that make him confident and make him strong so that he can develop integrity and emotional intelligence.

A man needs to focus on becoming a man so that he becomes capable of attracting a woman in her true feminine, can protect her with his life, and be the man that she and their family together need him to be.

Men on dating apps or in a girls comment section on social media are replaceable because strong men pursue women in their feminine.

Strong men know what they bring to the table and will pursue women living in their true feminine and are in pursuit of becoming their best selves.

Which, brings me to my next point of women living in their true feminine.

As a man, the older I get, the more attractive a woman who displays professionalism and seclusion from the outside world becomes.

Women that work on building their confidence and are natural care-givers know what they bring to the table.

A woman that is pure in her intentions, isn't stuck on her past, and is thinking about her future as a mother is the kind of woman men living in their masculine are going to pursue.

The kind of woman that lives in her true feminine and does the work to become her best self is irreplaceable.

A woman should strive to become her best, most feminine self so that she can attract the kind of man that is living in his true masculine because they can do nothing but provide value to one another.

A woman needs to be able to look at a man and ask herself what she can give to him instead of asking herself what she can get from him.

The women that is irreplaceable is the women living in her true feminine, a natural care-giver, unquestionably loyal (especially behind closed doors), and a full supporter of her man and his dream - this is the kind of woman that no man is ever going to want to lose.

A woman should strive to become irreplaceable because she can only add to a man's life by doing so and if she is with a man living in his masculine, that man is going to bring the absolute best out of her and her bring the best out of him.

While it may be hard to hear, I believe most women today are easily replaceable and that is because most men today are replaceable.

Women posting half naked online, or desperate on dating apps, or getting unsolicited attention from men out in public are all replaceable.

When I was younger, the thought of being with these kinds of women was much more appealing, but I also had no idea what being a man was like at that time.

I have had my experiences with enough of these kinds of women to know that they are all the same and are all easily replaceable.

I am not saying this to be offensive, I am saying it because it is true.

I am at a point in my life now where I am repulsed by a woman showing too much skin to the outside world because I am thinking about the future mother of my children.

Younger me would look at these kinds of women and love the idea, until you actually experience it and realize it is not at all what you thought it was going to be like.

When I think about having a mother to my children, I am looking for a woman that is irreplaceable, not a woman showing herself naked to the world.

I am past that stage in my life, I know where those roads lead and I respectfully have moved on because we all have to grow up at some point.

I realize as I get older that the only option that I have is to become a man that is irreplaceable so that I can attract the kind of woman that is irreplaceable.

I still have work to do - we all have work to do.

I suggest we all take the time to realize what we truly want out of life and do the work necessary to become the kind of man or woman that others couldn't stand the thought of losing.

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