Authenticity Is Real Beauty

Authenticity Is Real Beauty

It is almost too easy to get sucked into a fake reality today's day-in-age.

Everything is influenced by social media and what other people say and do. By default, people want to be a part of what everyone else says of does.

It is quite interesting to see just how easy it is to program the human mind.

In a culture that does nothing but consume, most people do nothing but consume everyone else's reality and make it their own.

As I continue to get older, I realize more and more just how important it is to have control over your own mind.

Once you have learned the ability to think for yourself, it is easy to identify people that have been programmed.

Having control over your thoughts and state of mind is something that takes work, focus, and consistency. With that being said, most humans today have been programmed to take the path of least resistance.

It is natural for people to take the path of least resistance.

Are you tired? Take a nap.

You don't feel like working out today? That's fine, you can take the day off.

You believe there are more than two genders? That's cool, post about something that makes absolutely no sense just to start an argument with someone to make yourself feel better for 30 seconds.

The point that I am trying to make is, it is easy for people to fall into the trap that the system has set in place - the path of least resistance is easy.

You see less and less of people being authentic and creating their own path in life, and you only see people thinking and doing like everybody else.

I used to be into fitness hardcore - it was my life at one point. I loved bodybuilding and I loved feeling like I was a part of something, especially in my early lifting days before Instagram became as big as it is today.

Today, when you log on to social media, you see millions of people all posting the same exact shit, eating the same shit, working out the same body parts, and posting about whatever supplement company they just so happen to be sucking off at the time. There is absolutely no authenticity left - there are only people doing and saying the same things as everyone else.

I am fully aware that we live in an attention economy, and when people see other people doing and saying things that get them attention, they feel inclined to do the same in hopes of getting attention - the path of least resistance.

One thing that I have learned as I continue to grow older, is that authenticity will always be more fulfilling than trying to fit in somewhere.

I have always been a believer in creating my own path and being my own person. The idea of living a normal life was never something that truly interested me. Let's be honest, I used to put on a wig, write comedy sketches, and act out and film those sketches - nothing about that is "normal". Sure, I could have very easily become a 9-5er and lived a normal and comfortable life, but that was never in the cards for me.

I took a risk and decided to go out and experience life. Along the way, I have discovered more about myself and what my true purpose is here on Earth. I have gained experience and wisdom that most people go their whole lives without ever being able to understand. I have experienced struggles along the way that have sharpened my mind and have given me the ability to have more control over my thoughts and feelings.

Being authentic is truly what makes you valuable to other people.

The ability to not give a single bit of a fuck what people think of you, and you just being able to be your full-self is a quality that will gain you respect from others.

As a man, a highly valued quality that a female could possess is her authenticity because authenticity is real beauty.

A woman's ability to stay true to her purpose in life and not get sucked into the societal "norms" and vices, instantly makes her more valuable - this same rule applies for men.

Today, women are taught that it is okay to be promiscuous, it is okay to be independent and not rely on a man, it is okay to live a more masculine life. Whereas, men are taught that it is okay to be soft, it is okay to be lazy and entitled, and it is okay to be caught up in their feelings. These are modern day societal "norms" - these are programmed thoughts and behaviors.

The best thing anyone can do is be able to identify what is programmed and work hard to be different - to be their truest selves.

A woman that is able to use her brain to think about things, and her ability to look inward and self-reflect is what makes a woman a valuable counterpart.

As a man, we want the mother of our children to be able to share the same beliefs and values that we value because those are values that we want to instill into our children.

There is nothing authentic about being fake for other people - it is the complete opposite of beauty.

Being someone that you are not because you know it is going to get you attention is not pure. Why? Because your intentions aren't pure.

As I have said many times in previous blogs, you attract what you put out into the universe. If all you do is put out fake content to thirst trap people and get attention, you can't honestly expect someone with pure intentions to look at you as valuable.

The more you try to impress, the less impressed people with genuine values will be towards you.

People need to accept you for who you are because that is what makes you valuable.

Sitting here and saying "I just want someone to get to know the real me", isn't going to make anyone want to get to know you - not anyone with good intentions, at least.

You attract people that are accepting of who you are by being who you are - it really is that simple.

If you truly wish to bring value to someone, then you must be able to identify what is real and what isn't.

You must be able to look deep into yourself and understand who you truly are - what makes you different.

What makes you different from everyone else? Because posting the same content as other people, visiting the same places, and thinking and doing the same things as everyone else, doesn't make you different.

Use your brain, create your own value, and figure out how you can share that value to other people by being a positive force for others.

Remember, God is always watching - He truly knows what is real and what isn't...

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