Are You Uncomfortable?

Are You Uncomfortable?

Growth is an essential part of life.

Being able to open yourself up to receive new information is the only way to ensure that you continue to move forward.

I realize that a lot of what I talk about may be uncomfortable for some. Maybe some of what I write about resonates with you, maybe it doesn't.

My ultimate goal for those who read my content is to make people think about things, even if it makes them uncomfortable.

You see, it's easy to stay in a constant place of comfort.

It's easy to stay at the job you don't like that doesn't pay you what you could be worth.

It's easy to stay with the person that genuinely makes you miserable but you fear the thought of having to move on and find someone better.

It's easy to stay at home and do nothing when you could be at the gym and making yourself strong.

The point I am making here is, it is simply easy to seek out comfort and constantly take the path of least resistance.

Being able to sit down and think about things that make you uncomfortable is the only way you truly grow.

You naturally expand your capacity to think when you can sit down and think about all of the things that make you uncomfortable and why they make you uncomfortable.

I relate much of what I talk about with horses.

A horse only knows what it knows and it knows what it has to do in order to survive - that is the only thing they are thinking about.

Most of training horses, whether it's to be handled by humans or ridden by humans, is to get the horse to be comfortable with being uncomfortable.

Naturally, everything that humans do to domesticate horses makes them uncomfortable - they are herd animals with a biological response to flee from anything that poses as a threat. The only thing that doesn't make horses uncomfortable is being outside and grazing grass with other horses.

In order to train a horse, you have to build their confidence and their trust in humans in order to have a true genuine partnership with them - you MUST help them get comfortable with being uncomfortable.

The same thing works with humans!

One thing I find extremely interesting is that a lot of humans today are scared of horses. People that have never been around horses before, see them for the first time and are fearful of their size - their minds immediately go into a state of thinking about what bad things the horse could do to them.

The reality of it is, horses are hardwired to always be more scared of us than we will ever be of them. I try and explain this to people and they always ask me why when the answer is simple: they are at the bottom of the food chain, and we are at the top.

That fear that people have when they see a 1200lb animal in the flesh for the first time is simply due to a lack of confidence. In fact, I believe that almost all fear comes from a lack of confidence.

To me, fear is a sign of being too comfortable. What I mean is, someone who hasn't been through enough hard shit to build up their confidence, are oftentimes living their lives too comfortably.

Confidence is a byproduct of being comfortable with the uncomfortable - it is a positive reinforcement through dealing with stressful situations.

The more stressful situations that a man can put himself in and work through, the stronger and more confident he naturally becomes.

The problem is, most people don't want to do the work to gain the confidence.

Most people don't want to sit down and think about things that make them uncomfortable so that they can formulate a better state-of-mind.

My personal unorthodox nature is what has allowed me to view the world and life as I see it today.

I have never been one to play by the rules - I have always gone out and done my own thing to live my own life. Along the way, I have been able to learn from my life experiences because I had to force myself to get comfortable with being uncomfortable.

Every time I uprooted my life and moved cross-country, I had to start fresh knowing absolutely no one, and having to figure out how to pursue my purpose as to why I moved there in the first place.

When I first moved to Vegas in 2018, I knew no one and I somehow had to figure out how I was going to get into entertainment so that I could pursue a goal of mine.

Fast forward to me first moving to Florida in early 2022, I again knew no one and had to figure out how I was going to start training and working with horses.

Every time I have gone through a big change in my life, I have had to learn to adapt and pursue my mission. This is ultimately why I am confident in anything that I set my mind to.

The universe is very giving to those who are clear with their thoughts and pure with their intentions. I believe everyone has the power to manifest their goals into a reality if they are willing to go through the shit, work through it, and build their confidence to a higher standard.

Life wasn't meant to be easy and the last thing I could ever picture myself doing is living in a constant state of comfort.

One must have the uncomfortable conversations because the uncomfortable conversations open up the floor for discussion and a possibility to learn something new.

Do the things you know you should inherently be doing because you know they are going to benefit you.

Get comfortable with being uncomfortable so that you can build the confidence you need to overcome any obstacle.

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