Are You Traditional?

Are You Traditional?

What is traditional?

We talk a lot about traditional values here on the Playboy Ranchin' channel.

Everything from the traditional masculine and feminine roles, to values that we have carried with us through tens of thousands of years of human evolution.

Being as that we live in a very modernized culture that is bred to consume, I would argue that values of old are no longer as prominent as they once were.

Some people live much more traditionally and I have found these people to be much more at peace.

I feel as if feelings of anxiety and sadness are more prominent now because everyone is fixated on everyone and everything else going on around them - this is social media culture in a nutshell.

With everyone being so accessible to everyone else, things like traditional values and morals get pushed to the back burner to things like attention, money, and clout.

I do not think it takes another Einstein to see the discrepancy here...

It is evident to me that no-one is truly thinking about their own peace and are solely reacting based off of everything that they consume.

I have always considered myself to be an old soul because for whatever reason, I have found more peace and mental clarity by living in solitude.

The last five years I spent living alone has helped me drastically in getting clear with my own thoughts, my own actions, and who I am as a person.

I spent many years in my early 20's being selfish because I was motivated to be a bodybuilder and as a result, I pushed people that were close to me away.

Having close friends and family is something that I have personally valued above all else in my life and this is something that I have learned to be more prominent in my older years.

Having a family is something that I have always wanted as a man because I believe that the true mark of a man is his ability to make his mark on the world and pass on his values and his honor through his children.

I have talked to successful men in my life, many of them being older, and they all say the same thing in that what makes them most proud is being a father.

Being a father, having a wife to protect and provide for, and building an empire with her is truly what I believe life is about as a man.

We can sit here and argue back and forth as to why traditional values are "outdated" because the world is changing.

While I do agree the world is changing, traditional values are something that have been programmed into our DNA for tens of thousands of years.

You mean to tell me that ten to twenty years of social media is going to unravel tens of thousands of years of biological programming?

I beg to differ...

The only reason we have made it this far in evolution is by men being and acting like men, while women be and act like women.

Now we have men acting like women and women acting like men, and everyone is wondering why they are unhappy.

Again, this doesn't take a rocket scientist to see the discrepancy here.

Our grandparents weren't sitting around replying to DM's or swiping right on dating apps for pure dopamine spikes.

No, they had to actually go out into the world and be productive, play their role to society, and live their role within their households and their marriages.

I will say that a generation or two prior to ours (I was born in the 90s so I am referring to millennials here) was flawed in many ways.

I do believe somewhere within the last generation or two is when things really started to shift.

Two generations ago, fathers were typically very harsh on their families, often abusive, and failed to live up to their full duty.

Fast forward to the generation before mine, parents of my generation began to become much more soft as a result of their childhood and often feel like they wouldn't want their children to have to go through what they went through.

Now to my generation, because we have become so soft from our upbringing, we often feel the need to be even more soft and giving to the generation after us.

This is one giant snowball effect simply from societal programming and the rising feminist movement over the last 40-50 years, and social media and consumer culture.

The rising feminist movement has been pushing for "equality" amongst men and women in the work place and many other things.

As a result of this, women have been taught to become independent from men because they are "equal" to men.

The reason why I put this in quotations is because I genuinely believe that men and women have always been equal, but the idea of equality by today's standards is completely different than how I view true equality amongst men and women.

To me, I think it is relatively simple - men are good at certain things, and women are good at certain things.

We were meant to work together, not compete against one another.

So when I see people arguing about women in the WNBA not getting paid as much as the men in the NBA, it doesn't make any sense to me because the men are better athletes, and they have a larger fan base.

This is no disrespect to the women in the WNBA because they are all obviously very talented and work hard at what they do, but from a sheer logical perspective, you can't expect women to be equal in terms of their pay grade when they don't statistically have the same value that men have in that particular work place.

I will say, some women are bad asses though and they are very capable of running big companies and doing many of the same things that men do and even do them better than men, but statistically, there is a reason why men run a majority of the largest companies, build houses, pave roads, and fight wars.

As men, we are biologically designed to take on that level of stress because it is the only way men stay useful and make a genuine impact on society.

Women are highly emotional and in most cases, are not equipped to deal with the same level of stress that men are.

As I said, there are some women that are very capable of doing the same things as men and even do them better, but collectively as a whole, women are at a severe disadvantage in most cases.

Just like how men are at a severe disadvantage when it comes to raising children and being natural caregivers.

Have you ever seen a man hold a newborn baby for the very first time when he has never held one before?

He looks at the baby like it is some sort of rodent he found in the middle of the street and oftentimes ends up holding the baby like a football.

Meanwhile, women naturally know how to hold a child and care for that child because they have been housing that child for the 9 months prior to that child's birth.

This is why men and women were meant to work together, not compete against one another.

Men and women were not meant to compete against one another in the sexual marketplace either.

It is much harder for men to find women that it is for women to find men.

If you are a woman and you are having trouble finding a good man, it is because your priorities are out of line because men are always going to pursue you.

Men have to pursue women because it is the only way he has a chance at finding a wife.

People today are so consumed in the social media and dating app culture and completely fail to realize what value they actually have to offer someone else.

People today are so consumed by the dopamine spikes from social media and dating apps that they truly have nothing to offer when they meet someone.

This is very much the modern culture at work.

There are many people out there that claim to be "traditional" and are swiping on dating apps for dopamine spikes - there is nothing traditional about this.

Doing things for dopamine spikes or to inflate your own ego is very much part of the instant gratification culture that modern day society has been consumed and groomed by.

Sure, you absolutely can use social media as a form of leverage if your intentions are pure and you have genuine value to offer others instead of just thinking about yourself.

If you are a man and you are sitting their drooling over girls bikini pictures online, you have absolutely nothing of genuine substance to offer a real woman because you are giving in to your simplest desires.

You are giving in to the dopamine spike instead of focusing on becoming a strong and capable man that is able to protect and provide for a good woman.

If you are a woman posting half naked on social media, you are lying to yourselves if you think the men in your DM want to truly get to know the real you.

This false sense of options people get from followers on social media or people on dating apps is exactly why people's self-esteem are so low.

When people are only treating you as though you are just an option to them, this is incredibly damaging to one's self-esteem.

The reality is, you all know how I feel about men on dating apps - they are highly insecure and lonely because confident men don't have problems getting a woman's attention.

Men sit there and swipe on women to build up their bank of "options" the same way a woman will sit there and swipe to build up her bank of "options".

This is exactly why no-one has pure intentions in the modern culture.

Everyone is so consumed by the dopamine spikes and instant gratification that they have completely forgotten how to add genuine value to someone else.

This is why the traditional method of finding someone organically, or planting a seed and letting it grow overtime, will forever be a better option than trying to find the love of your life on a dating app that is designed to manipulate your pleasure center.

If you focus on the things that make you a good man and a good woman, it is just a matter of time before someone will see you for the value you have to offer them.

However, if you continue to play by the modern cultures rules with instant gratification, you are never going to find something genuine that will last you a lifetime.


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