Appreciate The Simple Things

Appreciate The Simple Things

Super car or horseback?

High-rise or sunset?

Yacht party with a bunch of women or coming home to the right one?

You see, we live in a society that is highly motivated by the things that they consume that they often forget what it is like to appreciate the things that got us here.

You see highly successful men flashing their possessions and jewelry as a marketing tool for the younger generation.

The thing is, young men buy into it, and so do women.

To be honest, who wouldn't want millions of dollars in their bank account, traveling the world in private jets, buying every material possession you could possibly think of, eating at the best restaurants around the world, and having your pick in terms of which woman you want to bring along with you for each trip you go on?

That is every young man's dream!

Buy the car, get the girls, do whatever you want whenever you want because that is true freedom!

Drink, party, and gamble because these are the things that man made for us to have fun.

Do everything for the GRAM!!!

What I have found is that most people are trapped in the things that they consume that they often forget to live.

People would rather be a part of what everyone else has got going on instead of creating their own path, making their own decisions, and living their own lives.

If having millions of dollars so that you can travel the world with a bunch of women and do whatever you want whenever you want is what you want to do, that is fine because that is your choice.

If you would rather spend your time in the clubs drinking and partying every weekend, that is fine because that is your choice.

Fortunately for me, I got a taste of the life that most people are chasing.

I have seen what having millions of dollars is like - the non-stop travel all over the world whenever you want, all of the designer clothes, $10 million high-rise condos etc.

What I have found is that while it is nice being able to appreciate the finer things in life, you can't actually appreciate them until you can learn to appreciate the simple things in life.

The problem most people have getting sucked into that lifestyle is that they get so used to having the best of everything that they forget to actually live.

People get so used to having the best of everything that eventually, nothing makes them feel good.

They get used to going to all of the nicest restaurants to eat, having all of the best cars, clothes, and jewelry, traveling to every major destination all around the world whenever they want - come to find that they eventually get bored of it.

The first time I stepped foot into a $10 million high-rise condo in Miami that had a car elevator in the building that brought your car right up to your unit, I was dumbfounded.

And yes, an actual car elevator that you personally drive your car onto and the elevator takes your car right up to your unit...

Everything in that place was marble with high-tech appliances most have never seen or used before, a plunge pool on the balcony, a private beach, 24/7 restaurant service, a private gym/spa, a movie theater etc.

You see where I am going with this.

The unit was on the 25th floor of the building that overlooked the beach and all you could see was as the blue Florida ocean for miles upon miles that seemed to go on forever.

I had never seen anything like this place before in my life.

You drove into the parking garage and see nothing but the most expensive cars in the world from Rolls-Royce's, Ferrari's, McLaren's, and even a Bugatti.

The first couple of times you see it, it dumbfounds you because you have never seen it before and you aren't used to it.

After about the 5th or 6th time seeing it, you have already seen it and the feeling wears off and the same holds true for driving these types of cars.

The car elevator was cool to ride one time until you realize that you have to wait because there could be a line of people all trying to use the elevator to go up or go down...

That's right, you get back to the building and have a line of people waiting to use the elevator just to get up to their unit and it takes about 5 minutes for each person, you eventually realize that the car elevator is actually nothing but a nuisance.

What if you had to go to the bathroom really bad and your just stuck in the parking garage, waiting to use the car elevator to get up to your unit?

Rich people need to shit too!

Why anyone would actually choose to live like this was beyond me because to me, while the amenities were nice, the convenience of just being able to live and do your day-to-day things was nothing but inconvenient.

After you have seen the place for a few times, the excitement wears off because you know where everything is and how everything works.

The one thing I loved the most about that entire place was the view from the balcony...

I spent hours on that balcony every single morning just looking out into the ocean and thinking.

You could put a price on that unit and everything in it, but the view from that balcony was priceless.

To me, I felt an overwhelming sense of calm being able to look out into the ocean and drink a couple of cups of coffee - not having to say a word to anyone.

Out of the whole place that was built for pure luxury for some highly successful people from all around the world, I took the most joy in just being able to have that view.

The thing is, I have always had a knack for enjoying the simple pleasures in life. Whether it be enjoying a couple of cups of coffee in the morning, enjoying a nice view, being outside, spending time with my animals, spending time with my friends and family, and especially working with horses for a living.

I asked at the very beginning of this post if you would rather have a super car or ride horseback and for me, the answer is exceptionally easy in that I would choose horseback every single day for the rest of my life if I had to choose one or the other.

Some people are built for the man-made material world - I am not.

I have always taken more appreciation for God's creation than anything that man has done or created.

This isn't to discredit man for things we have achieved because we are capable of doing and creating amazing things to make life more enjoyable, but from an overall perspective, I choose simple pleasures over the finer things every single time.

This doesn't go without mentioning that I do enjoy nice things and every single one of us should be striving to achieve freedom, whatever true freedom means for you.

If true freedom for you is to fly around on private jets with a bunch of women and buy a bunch of shit, by all means, live your life, my friend.

My freedom is building my own ranch exactly how I want it, rescuing/training horses, helping as many people as possible by building a community around this brand, and building a family with a woman that supports this dream.

To me, this is freedom.

To me, no amount of money on Earth is ever going to replace the legacy you leave behind and it starts with building yourself into a strong and capable man, building a family, and having your family carry on the legacy.

The best part about life is that we get to choose these things.

We get to choose what kind of life we want to live.

We get to choose our freedom.

We get to choose what people we want to have be a part of our lives and build with.

To me, it's about choosing the people that want to see you win so that you can all win together and choose your freedom.

But before any of us decides what freedom and what life path we wish to create for ourselves, it starts with being able to live and appreciate the simple things in life.

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