Actions Speak Louder Than Words

Actions Speak Louder Than Words

One of the most important things I have found when it comes to relationships in the modern world is to pay close attention to someones actions, as opposed to their words.

The world that we live in today is consumed by a culture that is constantly trying to one-up the next person.

People are more worried about what other people can do for them, instead of focusing on what they can do for themselves. As a result, entitlement is at an all-time high and people are constantly trying to compare themselves to others around them.

We live in a world where actions carry more weight than someone's words.

It is so easy to manipulate people because people are more mentally unstable and consumed in nonsense than we have before in any period of human history.

How many times have you been around someone and they tell you everything that you want to hear?

Men are exceptionally manipulative towards women because most men want what they want from women and leave it at that.

Women on the other hand, are masters at manipulation, especially beautiful women...

Most women know that all they have to do is bat an eyelash at a man to get what they want from him, whether it's money, attention, or sex.

This is partially because men have become completely weakened by the system and have absolutely zero self-control, whether they are rich or they are poor.

It is also due to the fact that women inherently know they are men's true weakness, hence why female promiscuity is so prominent in modern-day culture.

So what exactly does this mean?

To me, it is obvious that most people, men and women included, are far more concerned of gaining short-term gratification than actually thinking about the consequences of their actions in the present that will eventually effect their future.

Just about every girl that I have ever dated never acted towards backing up the things that they said.

In fact, my most recent situation was almost two years ago and I found myself constantly calling her out on the nonsense.

At this moment, I started to realize a shift in the way that I operate with women.

In the past, I was always able to pick up on a woman's red flags, but I deliberately chose to ignore them.

As I have said before, I have always been the type to try and see the best out of someone to see if they can change but that is truly not how people work - nobody changes unless THEY WANT to change.

I have the ability now to pick up on a woman's red flags from the very beginning and act appropriately - this doesn't go without mentioning that it came with years of experience with different women to develop this skill.

Now when I pick up on a woman's red flags, I simply remove myself from the situation because I pay such close attention to the things that they do.

By paying more attention to the things women do compared to what they say, I have been able to recognize when I am talking to someone that truly isn't for me and remove myself from the situation before anything transpires.

I remove myself out of respect for myself and out of respect for her because the last thing that I want to do is bring a woman down for her lack of self-awareness.

This doesn't go without mentioning that I have no problem pointing out a woman's red flags to her face because unlike most, I have no problem having uncomfortable conversations.

But I also know women get defensive when you call them out and it often ends in an argument. So, I have found removing myself from the situation before anything truly transpires between me and another female, is the best move for everyone.

I am at a point now where I am hyper-aware of the things that I want in life and what I am willing and not willing to accept from the people in my life, especially with women.

Dumb men will listen to what women say, while smart men watch what women do - this same exact principle applies for women as well.

The fact is, women that express tons of red flags from the beginning all want good men, but are not capable of obtaining a good man.

This is because they genuinely crave toxic men with low self-esteem because they themselves have low self-esteem.

Here I go saying it for the millionth time: you attract what you put out into the universe.

A woman that is insecure and has trouble finding good men is completely unaware that the reason she cannot find a good man is because she is insecure.

The problem with a lot of women today is that they personally confuse insecurity with a false sense of confidence, especially promiscuous women.

Promiscuous women genuinely believe in their own minds that they are confident which is why they are showing off their bodies when in reality, they do what they do entirely out of insecurity.

Women that only value themselves on their looks typically have the lowest self-esteem and only attract men with equal low self-esteem which is oftentimes why they keep finding themselves with shitty men.

So, when a promiscuous woman claims to be confident yet continues to show off her body online or go dance at the club, it is obvious that her actions are not in line with her words.

When a woman says she is interested in you and makes absolutely no point to reach out to see how your day was, she is not really interested in you because her actions say otherwise.

"I'm sorry, I am so busy..." no you're not. No woman on Earth is too busy to take 10 seconds out of her day to ask how your day was and the same holds true for men, ladies.

Yes, some men are extremely busy because some men work hard and long hours but the point is, when someone is interested in you and someone makes time for you, that is their actions speaking for themselves.

It is extremely important that people be able to recognize what somebody does and what somebody says.

If someone says they are unhappy in their current situation, they are unhappy at their job, they are unhappy where they live, or they are unhappy with the person they're with and they do nothing to fix it, I have absolutely zero sympathy for you.

The truth is, people who act on their unhappiness to find peace are the people I want to have in my life because to me, peace of mind is the most important thing.

If a woman I am interested in cannot bring herself peace of mind first, she will never be able to bring me peace of mind.

Act on the things you say you want and the things that you do so that you can live a life of fulfillment, instead of always resorting to playing the victim.

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